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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Liesl - Feliz Cumpleanos!!!

Liewe Liesl!!! Baie geluk met jou verjaardag vandag! Interessante plekkie wat jy gekies het vir 22 word! James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!" Glo dat God vir jou dinge sal wys die jaar en jou soek na Hom en Sy Koninkryk uitbou, sal seen! Geniet elke oomblik van die volgende drie weke en groete en liefde vir ander oranje vriende! Enjoy* Van almal van ons wat hier in die dorpie agter gebly het <3
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Faith and Fried Rice...

Faith and Fried Rice...
   "There are few things more exhilarating than venturing out with no better option than to trust and then finding the Object of your trust worthy of it! The act of trusting forges a strong and powerful memory of the kind of grand adventure that comes only from letting go" Venturing out and trusting is what five of us South-bound members decided to do last week. We arrived in Thailand a week ago, with ministry set up for us here and more than enough of that to keep us busy and eliminate too many off-times. So when we did get time-off, Pieter...
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