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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


I signed in and was accepted into this journey with nothing of the required R90,000 needed for the year.In a sence that is where the journey started and where God started to break open my faith in Him. After a few months of mixed emotions like stress,doubt,fear and a lot of prayer the first payment came in one night from a total stranger of R50,000...I cried From there money came in from anonymous donors, other payments from peoples whos names I could see but did not know,from the most unlikely of acquaintances,payments with only scripture references attached,from loving family and...
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What a Privilege

I am currently lying on my back on a bamboo bench, Just after my fellow rookie constructionist and I finished building a sturdy wooden grass covered structure.This process involved a dangerous amount of inexperience ,riggedy scaffoldings, and the use of a nail gun while suspended up in the air.I suspect God poured out some serious last minute wisdom into our arrogantly confident hearts.None the less we are finished and admiring our golden creation.There is a sence of pride and contentment flowing through our veins.Wiping a drop of sweat from my brow, I can not help to realize the privilege of...
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I remember as a child my mother fed me these medicine pills that looked like dinosaurs. At first glance this gave the tablet the appearance of some sort of sweet which made me volunteer to eat it, but then the bitter betrayal came when I realized this was some sort of vitamin C junk with the taste of ear wax. I feel in a big way a global year is the same. God comes with the proposal of let's travel the world, make best friends, and win people for the kingdom. With big excitement you say yes but climbing out...
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Breaking Individualism

All my life its been about how to perform the best I can,becoming the fittest I can be ,coming as close to God as I can be ,being as emosionaly stable as I can be ,and so the list goes on.In itself this strive is not a problem, I feel this has shaped the man I am today and has brought me as close to God as I can be,but now all the sudden the next chapter of knowing God and coming closer to Him as my True father requires me to now perform in a team habitat .Thinking of...
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