All my life its been about how to perform the best I can,becoming the fittest I can be ,coming as close to God as I can be ,being as emosionaly stable as I can be ,and so the list goes on.In itself this strive is not a problem, I feel this has shaped the man I am today and has brought me as close to God as I can be,but now all the sudden the next chapter of knowing God and coming closer to Him as my True father requires me to now perform in a team habitat .Thinking of the team before my self.Living as a team member and not a individual .Loving my neigbour(team member) as myself which means to put all my theology of selflessness and humility into practise."living to love" from opening your eye in the morning to closing at mere words the struggle of this task does not come through, yet it's most likely the most accelerated character building and suffering time in my life .(yet I love it-it means I am moving closer to our Daddy)
Reuben Jacobs