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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Flag of Hope

Flag of Hope
Cameroon, Cameroon , I will see you soon. The nation of exhortation will make Africa boom. Laughters we had although transport made us mad... What has stolen your dreams? Wat has killed your people? What has taken you from Yahweh? I cry a deep cry to our Father: Bless Cameroon with their flag. May it hang on high, with pride, justice, dignity, fearing God, honoring Jesus and listening to Holy Spirit. Red I give you... please take up salvation. Green you have... use it... I have new things for you. Yellow on your faces... please jump for joy to Me;...
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A Friend like Jesus

Charles… the man who gave us hot water on our last stop before crossing the Burkina Faso border. The man who, when asked the question whether white people are African, answered the following: If you believe in your heart you are an African, you are an African. I therefor will believe in my heart that I am an African, and so I am… The Word of God also says that if I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth “Jesus is the Son of God”, I will be saved. Like being an African, I will be a citizen...
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Then the word of the Lord came to me and said: Who do you think you are? My response was!

Wagon maker. The Almighty Yahweh has called me as His son, established me as a rock and planted me as a fruit-bearing tree. He has lifted me on eagle’s wings, therefore I will run and not grow weary, I shall walk and not get tired. Integrity is the aim of my game, with fear and respect for Yahweh and others. I will run from evil. I will live for Christ and be seated with Him with love, joy and peace in my heart. I am baptised in the Holy Spirit. My word is my word. I like to be holy...
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My 2nd "blog" YIPEE

My 2nd "blog" YIPEE
           A very good hallo from Yaounde, the capital city of “green” Cameroon! It has been a shock to our system. Coming from the Sahel and the dry poor Niger to the green pastures of Cameroon. The saying “ the grass is not always greener on the other side” has become a fake not true saying... it is greener! thank you Jesus! After the dry hot weather we are having an awesome time and God is providing in many great ways. Thanks for all the prayer all over the world. We are seeing the fruits and the blessings of...
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my eerste blog... ek is jammer

ek het die verkeer oorleef in Cairo... gebed is baie belangrik. ek geniet my gate uit. die Koptiese mense is baie "warm". God is baie besig in die land. Dahab rule nogdteeds... ek mis almal/// Suid AfriKa is TOPS.... ek mis die braaivleis
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