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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Silence in the face of mystery

  God is the encounter we can not control,  that we will never get to the bottom of. One of the most dramatic moments of silence in the New Testament is Jesus' silence before His judges. The Gospel shows us how the high priest and Pontius Pilate urges Jesus to speak. And we are told in John's Gospel that when Jesus gives no answer to the charges made against Him, Pilate is "amazed."  In this story it shows that Jesus was precisely in the position of someone having His voice taken away. He is a person who has been reduced...
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Don't stop living

You must leave everything behind, sacrifice all you have to start something new, and move some boundaries in yourself.  That's what happened when I chose a journey that's something totally different, unique and fantastic - you know, sometimes you want some dust on your feet and experience some point-break moments in your life and that's exactly what I do now.  I came with an expectation where my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition will be carved and being formed through this year.  This journey is about stepping out in faith, follow God, and don't have fear on this new journey. ...
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