Black is standing next to white. Rich and poor is going through the day doing their daily tasks. Billion dollar buildings are towering above Mumbai while the slums decorate the background. You will find clean competing with dirty. Contrasts are the clothes India wears with a face of friendliness shining like the beams of a torch.
We might have had plans, but God had better plans waiting for us. The team thought India was going to be a restful 5 days, but it was completely the opposite. God directed our path in India in such a way that He spoiled us. We met some amazing people who opened their homes for us and shared their knowledge of this land of contrasts. We saw the rich, the middle and the poor in India. Experiencing the sardine effect while riding on a train through the city of Mumbai was an experience. I arrived in India with a totally wrong perspective and during our visit the scales fell off from my eyes resulting in me falling in love with this colourful country.
I can remember the one day while we were heading to the center of Mumbai of a thought that came up in me: these people living in the slums are also God's people. The rich belongs to him and the poor.