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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Availability and not ability!

Availability and not ability


What a time we have had in Johannesburg with Brian and his team! 

It was truly an amazing experience where we learned so much about ourselves and about God and his plans for us. 


I personally learned  so much about how God wants to use us in our everyday life’s. 

I learned that it is not about our ability to do things but about our availability so that God can do things threw us. 


We saw some truly amazing things, such as healings that took place, people getting delivered and really just loving on people and showing them Gods love for them. And through that a lot of people gave there lives to the Lord and a lot of lives where changed. 


One testimony that really stood out for me was on Friday night at youth with Every Nation Church. Brian was calling people up for healing and everyone was being touched by the spirit and people were being healed. Just then a girl who was on crutches came on stage and stood beside Brian. 


She had explained that she had torn he ligaments in her foot and had been on crutches for about 2 weeks and hasn’t been able to walk on her foot for the duration of this time. She was expectant for the Lord to heal her and during the pray she burst into tears and said that she was feeling better. 


Brian then took the crutches from under her arms and she was able to walk around on her feet without any assistance. She came in on crutches and left completely healed, full of joy and without crutches.


The whole experience was just amazing.  We as a team and I personally grew so much in the Lord and my faith was boosted so much through all the miracles that took place and all the lives that were changed. 

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The beauty of vulnerability
The Unexpected Journey


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