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Who am I in Christ

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

I use to think...

I use to think that I need to go somewhere to "find myself" but now I know I've nevern been lost, you learn who you are by the choices you make and the chances you take... 


So the more times you do something that you wouldn't normally do, you know... that choices you make that's way out of your comfort zone. The important part about those choices are following them through, owning them and your mistakes because thats how you learn. The great thing about learning is it will never stop, even with this year I'm away from everything I know and so far out of my comfort zone I wil learn but when I get back to the familiar I need to continue seeking the unfamiliar so I keep learning to keep changing to keep growing.


In the last month we've been in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda and with all the experiences and all the emotions that goes with it, I've realized that when you do something that doesn't seem like fun or you don't really feel like doing it, the best thing to do is to except your circumstances and just go for it, for example when we arrived in Kenya on our way to Olkoroi camp we had to push cars and mini busses in the rain and mud until 3 A.M. in the beginning we were hesitant to get out and start pushing because we might get dirty and full of mud but the more mud you get on you the easier it is to push the next time you're stuck. In the end we ran behind cars and taxis full of mud and actually kind off enjoying it. Another time the guys went hiking in Kenya into the bush, now when we started the sun was shining for the first time in maby 3 or 4 days and about 30min into the hike the heaven's opened up and it started pouring down again... so we could have turned back but we kept on going and to be honest when you just keep going one step at a time you get use to being wet, you don't even think about it anymore and it starts getting easy. At the end we got to the place we were going to sleep for the night with the most beautiful view and everybody talking about what just happened. We made fire and everyone drying their clothes around the fire with stories and laughter and thats things I will never forget because we were outside our comfort zones and just went with it. So make a choice and go for it and if it doesn't work out the way you thought it would, keep with it and see where it takes you, you might get a great surprise... life's full off surprises, it keeps it interesting.


But going on a trip around the world with 20 strangers is good way to find out what you've been missing in your life.

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Jars of clay
Rainy days and fiery nights


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