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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Not a lot to say

When I look around, al I see is people walking around in chaos...nowhere. There is a strange feeling to a place where disaster have struck, leaving people with little to nothing hope. Kind of makes you think, you know... about what you have, what is truly necessary and what if something like this happens to my family? Will God allow that?  If He does, will He give us new hope?  Will I still praise God in that storm? I've had a few questions and things to think about this last couple of weeks. But what I've realised is that, spending...
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Back to reality

From the first day we arrived in the Philippines with all it's promised beauty and extraordinary adventures.. We hit the ground running from sleeping in a very small airport to taking a 36 hour ferry in a room with more than 500 beds amd not even mentioning the heat this country has to offer.    We arrived at the first venue for the parents visit with excitement and even a few nerves. What a great time this was spending time with friends and family and getting to know our fellow travellers even more, with snorkeling, scuba diving amd jumping of...
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I guess we'll wing it

So when you're traveling and don’t have a planned destination or any idea of how you're gonna get there, the best thing to do is just wing it! That’s what we did in the middle east, hitchhiking  from one place to another and sleeping in abandoned buildings and weird beaches, asking soldiers for water and eating rice with way to much salt and then with way to little salt. We were eating too much chocolates and bread (that we got from nuns) and just generally getting to know each other more, building relationship together chatting about life and living the...
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I use to think...

I use to think that I need to go somewhere to "find myself" but now I know I've nevern been lost, you learn who you are by the choices you make and the chances you take...    So the more times you do something that you wouldn't normally do, you know... that choices you make that's way out of your comfort zone. The important part about those choices are following them through, owning them and your mistakes because thats how you learn. The great thing about learning is it will never stop, even with this year I'm away from everything...
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Are you listening?

I've been away from home for more than a month now and I find myself thinking again can I hear God, will I ever hear Him or am I even listening... ? So now I'm looking back at these few weeks and everything that happened and if I've actually been listening, By that I don't just mean listening to a sermon or a teaching but also the experiences God have put me in and the challenges I've faced.  Although there is probably a lot of experiences filled with Jesus in these few days, there is one that I just can't...
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