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Son or Servant ?

Durante mi estadia en Uganda tuvimos la oportunidad de aplicar DBS (Discovery Bible Study) dentro de la comunidad y uno de los temas que me llamo la atencion fue la parabola del hijo prodigo.

Todos conocemos esta parabola , trata sobre un hijo que sale de casa con su herencia y producto de sus malas decisiones termina cuidando cerdos.
Esta persona reconoce su condicion y decide regresar a la casa de su Padre pero con la intencion de volverse un siervo.

Conversaba con una amiga sobre esta historia y le hice esta pregunta ¿Te consideras hija o sierva de Dios ?

Primero debemos tener definido el significado de estas 2 palabras y ponerlas en el contexto adecuado.
Luego, encontraremos argumentos validos y solidos para sostener ambas posiciones.

Personalmente creo que delante de Dios todo cristiano tiene la condicion de hijo .
Conocemos su corazon y sus deseos ,en cambio el siervo solo se limita a obedecer y cumplir lo que ordena su amo.

Tenemos una relacion directa con nuestro Padre gracias a Jesucristo nuestro Salvador y debemos comportarnos como tales ,estar a la altura de sus expectativas y saber disfrutar de los privilegios.

Ante nuestros semejantes debemos tener la actitud de siervos y la caracteristica principal de un siervo es la capacidad que tiene para servir. Servimos a nuestro projimo con los dones, talentos, capacidades y las profesiones que Dios nos ha dado.

Ante todo esto ,¿como te gustaria que Dios te trate ?
¿Como hijo o como siervo?


During my stay in Uganda, I had the opportunity to apply DBS (Discovery Bible Study) within the community and one of the topics that caught my attention was the parable of the prodigal son.

We all know this parable, it is about a son who leaves his father´s house with the inheritance and the product of his bad decisions ends up taking care of pigs.
The son recognizes his condition and decides to return to the house of his Father but with the intention of becoming a servant.

I was talking to my friend about this story and I asked her this question: Do you consider yourself a daughter or a servant of God?

First, we must have to define the meaning of these 2 words and put them in the proper context.
Then, we will find valid and solid arguments to sustain both positions.

Personally, I believe that people who has born again they are children of God.
We know His heart and His desires; instead, the servant is limited to obey and fulfill what his master orders.

We have a direct relationship with our Father thanks to Jesus Christ our Savior and we must behave as such, be up to their expectations and know how to enjoy the privileges.

Before our fellows we must have the attitude of servants and the main characteristic of a servant is the capacity he has to serve. We serve our neighbor with the gifts, talents, abilities and professions given by God.

Before all this, how would you like God to treat you?
As a son or as a servant?



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