God, are You there? “ Yes my son, I am.” But I don't feel or hear You? “Just TRUST ME My son.”
But God, I am struggeling to have faith because I don't know if You are there or not. “ My son, I am going to teach you faith. Read James 1 and hold onto that!”
So yeah, as you can see I am currently on that journey with Dad and believe me when I tell you, IT IS VERY HARD! Nobody said it was going to be easy and quite frankly I like it hard, it truly brings me closer to Dad. The thing is God wants me to learn that He is always there, He will never let me go and will always watch over me even though it doesn't FEEL like it. So where did God decide to teach me this? Well in the Transkei at Canzibe where, in the spiritual world, it is very dark. So hold on to your seats and enjoy this short description of what happened.
The entire week is about spiritual warfare ( quite ironic ) and from that night onwards, God started to teach me about faith. After the first session I started to get dreams about bad things related to my past and that was the devil's way of taking me further away from Jesus. That carried on for roughly 2-3 days. After that God started to use me by first revealing ( through our teacher ) what in my past is keeping me from doing supernatural miracles and He told me that He is going to fix that through my journey this year. Then that same day I had to pray for one of my team leaders and WITHOUT FEELING ANYTHING she fell over because of God's presence even though I didn't feel it. God told me not to doubt and that He will come through for me. From that day onwards I knew by just having faith God will step in even if I don't feel anything. We then did the Luke 10 ( GO READ IT YOU WON'T REGRET IT ) all the way back in J-Bay wich is about 600km and through that experience God ( once again ) showed He is my provider ( story for another day ).
So I want to encourage you to DRAW NEAR to God and to HOLD FAST onto Him and keep holding on, because He will come through on His time and not on our time. Go and read James 1 you might learn something you never knew before about God. It may be a lie you believed which the world made up, but I believe you will receive a revelation when you read it.
Blessings and until next time!!!