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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


The most meaningful color (well that’s what I think) will most likely be scarlet red . Why? Well it represents a few things like love and blood . It is also the color that can be seen as mysterious and mesmerizing. When a person wears that color, it is as if there is more than meets the eye and that you must dive deep with him/her to see the real person on the inside. With that in mind, enjoy number 13 and see how God changed my heart and perspective through my Luke 10 team named… Scarlet Scarlet (in my...
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WILDFIRE   Number 12. So this is it. This is the blog about adventure, family, faith , provision, love , sacrifice, unity and prayer . This is the blog about a Father looking after His children in the most Father like way ever. This is the blog about boxes being broken and discovering God as someone with absolutely NO LIMITS . If you didn’t figure it out yet, this is the blog about my Luke 10. I hope you all enjoy this blog and I pray that you will be able to see what God is capable of doing when...
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Please note that this blog was created on 28 July 2017 “I see those tears in your eyes… My love there’s no need to hide, just let me love you when your heart is tired!” song lyrics from Alan Walkers new song called Tired. These lyrics played a important role in my life this past few weeks ( 28 Jul. 2017 ) and (truth be told) helped me realize what Dad is trying to tell me. So with these lyrics in your mind and the fact that God will never let you down enjoy number 11 and I pray that...
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Soo yeah here I am with number 10 and it’s been quite a while since my last blog, but that is fine because God had to work first in me about a few things before the next blog can be put up and I must say it was quite a ride up to this point. So with this new blog I pray that Papa will come and show His power, grace, LOVE and faithfulness to you whiles’t reading this blog. So keep calm and read on ( I know, not the best one liners, but it’s fine ). So we...
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So yeah, I’m back with yet another blog and I’m personally very excited for this blog. It was something I never really thought of and when I really sat down and talked to God about this, it was like a HUGE revelation (I know there is a lot of them). I pray that Jesus will once again talk to you more and more throughout this blog and that this will also be a revelation to all of you reading this blog.So the topic for this blog is UNITED IN CHRIST and I know, we all heard that term a lot,...
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Hello everyone. So here we go again, but this time I want to tell all of you something that touched my heart ( yeah yeah I know, I always say that!!). In this eighth blog of mine you are most likely going to learn things about me that you didn’t know ( it is not serious deep stuff don’t worry that's for a later blog. ) and there will be things you do know about me. Okay so here we go. I love music, like really I LOVE IT. If I see a piano I freak out ( on the...
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Ladies and Gents, welcome to blog number 7. Today I felt it heavy on my heart to talk about something that, I think, people are unsure off. I also think that there are some people who are struggling in life because of it, but in any case that is what I think. I want you to open your hearts and let Jesus talk to you today. So yeah let me ask you a question first: What does it take to have a relationship with Jesus? Not sure what it takes or what you have to do to go into a...
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Yes I know what you are thinking: “GP posted yet another blog.” O well, what can I say, I LOVE IT!!! ; ) Bringing it back to this blog. When You’ve felt neglected, rejected, USELESS, not worthy, lonely and all those other bad stuff I want to encourage you to start paying attention right about…NOW. Last week I got the privilege of feeling and experiencing God’s love, BUT in a TOTALLY different way. Unfortunately, due to safety reasons, I can’t say anything about what I did or what happend exactly, but I’m asking that you will just trust the Lord...
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Showing me the Future

“Jesus reveal Yourself to me? I’m asking You to please show me Who You are.” ALRIGHT MY SON, JUST BECAUSE YOU ASKED AND HAD FAITH IN ME I WILL. VISION, VISION, VISION. Yip, Jesus is really working with not just me but our entire team. He is also in this time and space of the world busy revealing Himself to people of all religions. The time here in Jordan is really an indescribable experience and God is really busy revealing Himself to me. He is giving me visions about the past and even the future. Not only that, I am...
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Jesus have Your way with me

God, are You there? “ Yes my son, I am.” But I don't feel or hear You? “Just TRUST ME My son.” But God, I am struggeling to have faith because I don't know if You are there or not. “ My son, I am going to teach you faith. Read James 1 and hold onto that!” So yeah, as you can see I am currently on that journey with Dad and believe me when I tell you, IT IS VERY HARD! Nobody said it was going to be easy and quite frankly I like it hard, it truly brings...
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