Hi, I am Henro Jordaan and I am 19 years of age. I know that it’s rather late for my first blog, now I am trying. I have never been the best with computers, but there are a few experiences that I have to share.
Not too long ago I was in a struggle with God and what He wanted for me. I was uncertain who I was and what I was destined for. I prayed and prayed and the journey that I was going to do got cancelled. This as you can imagine, confused me even more and I was sure that I was in the wrong place.
So uncertain and confused I went to Jeffreys bay. I was so scared and afraid for what was to come. I trusted God and asked for a little help. At first it felt like I was standing alone in my time of need. How wrong I was! The next few days God put people on my path to confirm that I should stay. I became friends with De Necker (the leader of work Your way) he told me what God
did in he’s live and I was instantly motivated . He told me about work Your way. I prayed for a few days.
God answered my prayers and confirmed it time and again. I knew that work Your way was where I needed to go. This was the first time God spoke to me so loud and clear that is why I knew this for sure. God is working in me, in our team, in you. Surely we can tell that God is planning something big really big. All that I am asking you is will you be a part of what God is doing ? You can do anything that God set on your heart. Will you accept the challenge? I did and it is worth it.
If you can by any chance help, please financially or via praying for me. It would be amazing. So what you can do for me is to comment on this and tell me what God set on your heart.
The following is our account details.
Account Name Account Number
GCX-One Year
Branch Details: 31 Da Gamma Road, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, South Africa
Branch Code: 334515
SWIFT Code: ABSAZAJJ (For International Payment)
Reference: Henro Jordaan
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Awesome brother
God will provide for you, You made the step of faith and He will provide, He is our God
Brother please enjoy wYw and go go go go B I G this year
say Hi to De Necker
We are glad you made this decision-with God's help!!!!Will follow you all year around.We are looking forward to more blogs and photo's.
Hi Henro. The Sani is still going strong. We pray and know God will provide. Oom Danie
It was great meeting you tonight in Guatemala of all places. I could hear the excitment and love in your voice as you spoke about Jesus and about how you guys invited the locals to Church. Keep up the good work and I'll be praying for you. You were such a blessing to bump in too. GospelJoe
Dit was vir my so lekker om jou beter te leer ken in Jeffreys en sommer nog heerliker om te sien hoe God jou skouer genees. Ek bid vir jou, geseënd sal jy wees. Hanli (tertius de jager se sus, gehta se mamma)
Hi Henro
Die dag toe ek in die vliegtuig ingeklim het Thailand toe, toe kom die gedagte op "wat maak jy" toe wonder ek gaan ek regkom hoe is die mense hier? Gaan ek nuwe maats maak op die kurses gaan ek maklik n werk kry hier? al sulke klein vraagies wat jou onseker maak. En op die 15de Janaurie toe ons groep wat die kurses doen mekaar ontmoet, toe weet ek als gaan fine wees, 2 wonderlike mense is in ons groep Lititia en JP Gonin, hulle is nou soos my ouers hier vir my. help my waar hulle kan en kyk uit vir my.
Maar die leef styl in Thailand is anderster baie anderster hier is soveel mense wat mens jamer kry oor die manier hoe hulle lewe en die omstandighede.
Maar waar ek my doel gekry het van God af was toe n skool bel en se ek moet n 2 dag kamp by hulle kom doen, hulle kan nie betaal nie maar die kinders wil graag uitlanders ontmoet. Die skool is baie arm en die kinders is baie slim maar weens finansies word hulle trug gehou. Om skool te gee vir sulke kinders en met hulle te speel en
hulle te leer ken verander mens heeltemal.
Ek kan net dankie se vir God want my geld het begin min raak en ek kon net nog n maand bly ek moes dringend n werk gekry het hier en 2 dae later toe email n skool my en se ek het die werk by hulle gekry,en van dai email af als wat ek doen kan ek voel God is by my en vir een of ander rede kom ek uit my geld tot dis ver ek doen self meer goed as vroer maar dit bly nog steeds net genoeg om my te cover vir die maand. Ek moet vir jou ook dankie se want as dit nie vir jou was nie so ek ok nie Thailand toe gekom het nie, en ok nie die goed ervaar het wat ek nou hier ervaar nie.
Een van die kinders Him in my klas is n Buddhist ekt ho gevra as hy bid tot wie bid hy toe se hy Buddha, so vra hy my toe oor my God en ek vertel hom en soos wat ons praat toe se hy vir my hy weet ok nie hoe lyk sy God nie ma hy weet net hy is daar en baie groot en kyk uit oor hom, toe kom ek agter hy sit dalk voor sy Buddha beeltjie en bid tot Buddha maar as jy sy beeltjie weg vat en hoor
hoe hy bid, bid hy eintlik tot God. Al praat hy nie van Hom as God nie maar as Buddha aanbid ek en hy tog die sele God wat die sele vir ons doen
Hoop ek loop jou raak as julle in Thailand is.