While in Jamaica, our team had two ministry points to reach. This became our second country to split in half. The green team stayed in Kingston with Pastor Neville as the yellow team made there way to St. Ann's Bay.
Yellow team:
The ministry point in St. Ann's Bay was with Pastor Jerry at Faith City Outreach Ministries. Located right on the coast of Jamaica, the yellow team really got the full perspective of the tropical, chilled lifestyle of the locals. While the focus of our ministry point was speaking at schools for children of all ages, we definitely had more than our fair share of time off.
The neat part about this was that each of our team members really got involved with the local community in different ways. Our host, Pastor Jerry was our first person of peace, giving us a place to stay, making us the national dish of Ackee and Salt Fish, and being an amazing encouragement to our team. Elsie and Marli spent lots of time with the local children after school got out, playing games with them in the field. The numbers of children increased as the week went on, and they soon had their hands full!
Our second person of peace was named Oswayne, a regular volunteer at the youth centre near Faith City. Jana and Colleen felt drawn to pursue a friendship with him, having many conversations and a few competitive basketball games. He has an amazing positive relationship with the local youth, and we pray that his relationship with God only grows deeper so he can be a witness to others.
Like fishing? Well during this time, Lisa and Valerie gravitated towards the sea in hopes of doing some snorkeling. Turns out there is a fisherman's village right on the beach, complete with a pet pig named Burt! Here they met Donovan, our third person of peace, a fisherman and master chef. While the team got a taste of his expert cooking skills as he prepared us freshly caught fish, Val and Lisa spent their time going snorkeling of his boat and joining him for bible study.
The local supermarket owner Ryan, was our fourth person of peace. Nicholas and Pierre enjoyed discussing politics, the history of Jamaica and learning why 'ganja' is so popular in Jamaica- turns out it is actually cheaper to buy than food. Our team had such a great time with Ryan just chilling, who also made us dinner and took us to try a popular dish of 'jerk meat'. Needless to say, this was the boys favorite meal.
For the yellow team, Jamaica became a fast favorite. Each member of the team learned how to be themselves and blend in to the everyday life of the locals, but still glorify God by our actions and loving others. We will surely miss hearing 'no problem' or 'ya man' upon every turn.
Green team:
During June 2015, our band of challengers were privileged to live and serve in Maxfield Avenue, Kingston, Jamaica.
An unexpected onset of Chikungunya fever flattened half of the crew, but after the fever and body ache subsided we were ready to roll out with Pastor Neville Wright.
Pastor Neville and his wife have prayerfully and practically been serving their slum community for the past 20 years. They support numerous projects and upliftment initiatives.
Under Pastor's dimensional wings we volunteered at an old age home, school for children with special needs, homeless shelter and assisted with a small building project.
We also had an introduction to local politics by joining in on a council meeting and a protest against child abuse.
Our team had the opportunity to lead bible studies, a prayer meeting and a Sunday service.
Services were centered around the theme of encouragement, as some of the harvesters have grown weary.
Serving in a community as dangerous and rural as Kingston made us aware of the hardness and hardships that long term workers face, as struggles are ongoing.
Amidst all the activities we were also confronted with challenges of living together as a team. We discovered Proverbs 27:17 in real life: As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. We also discovered that through these challenges we grew closer together as a team and family.
May Jamaica known for the popular Bob Marly song: " no worries", truly be without worries, as the Heavenly Father looks after his children's needs, just as He looks after the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.