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July 2010
So there I sat in a living room in Addis Ababa listening to the story of a JUST adopted kid from Ethiopia. His adoptive parents had to prolong their stay a few times to wait for the adoption to be approved. Their boy was clasified as a Mingy (cursed/dirty) boy. He's punishment would have been death. But God saved him – hisbiological parents protected him against all advice. And now he's on his way to start a new life with LIVING hope and new parents that loves him with everything in them.
How's that for God having a specific plan and purpose, for hearing the prayers of His children?!
His mom and sat in the living room both choked up by the goodness and grace of God.
At least two million orphans are added each year to the already staggering number of orphans in Africa only... May God show us a way in which to raise these "least of these" into a generation of God seeking followers of Christ. Maybe this will be the army that will rise up and take their place in the Kingdom of God, establishing His ways and ultimately His love in Africa and around the world. I dare you to dream with me. And then... to act!
Greetings out of the heart of Ethiopia...
Yes- it's a great big challenge that is ahead of us! May God give us supernatural wisdom.
Nie geweet jy doen 'n GC journey nie! Hier vind ek dit aan die end van die jaar toe eers uit! My aarde!
Geniet laaste stretch! Weet dis soms moeilik, maar jy gaan gaan dit geweldig mis as dit verby is, trust me! So gebruik ELKE OOMBLIK!!