Looking back on our time in Kuala Lumpur, there is so much that I’ve experienced and seen in these 3 weeks, it’s impossible to share all of it. Yet, I can say God’s been faithful
During the time at the Harvest Centre school, we’ve been very busy. For me it was a time of teaching Mathematics and English to mostly the grade 3’s and 2’s, helping out in the kitchen, washing dishes, making food, burning myself with hot cooking oil (which by God’s grace was not too serious and healed very fast), deep cleaning some rooms, selling food and helping out at a sports day event, meeting new friends, attending prayer meetings and church services, painting, teaching songs, and being surrounded by kids most of the time. It’s also been a time in which God taught me and tested me a lot.
The rainbow GCX team& nbsp;for KL
Helping with English projects
I’ve been tested on some of the lessons I’ve learned before – serving wholeheartedly not for man but for God, being faithful in the small things and having the attitude of Christ. And since last weekend God came and convicted me of those tests that I’ve failed. He gave me a glimpse on the wickedness of my own heart and why I’m in need of a Saviour. And He used things that might seem insignificant to others, but to me it showed how easily we disappoint God and turn away from His ways. It all starts in the small things. Being faithful in the small things leads to being faithful in the bigger things and God entrusting us with those things. In the same way, being unfaithful in the small things leads to also being unfaithful in the bigger things. And I am grateful towards God for showing me the small things I’ve been unfaithful in before the devil gets a foothold and it becomes bigger things. Things like not speaking the truth at all times (those white lies as we call them) and taking what is not mine to take (like a cookie or tasting more cookie dough than what would be considered enough). God calls us to live holy and blameless lives and sin (however big or small it may be perceived by man), brings separation between us and God. And Jesus died and took that sin upon himself in order for us to receive forgiveness and eternal life.
During this time God also showed me a part of His heart for the lost. In 1 Tim 2:2 it says that God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The question “Why do you want others to be saved?” had me pondering for a while. Knowing that the answer is not “that they won’t go to hell”, I was even more overwhelmed when the reason dawned on me. The reason I want others to be saved is that they may know the Truth. That they may come to know the One who loves them so much, that he laid down His life for us. And it’s sad to know that so many people are dying daily and going to hell, but it’s unbearable to think that they will never know the God we serve; the One who loves us so much that He gave up everything so that we may be saved.
Before our ministry time in Malaysia started, I’ve also been challenged on the area of finances. God challenged me to not draw any personal money while we are in this country. However, I still had some HK$ left and exchanged that for about 40 Ringits. Needless to say, within the first few days I had none left (you know the feeling of there being a whole in your pocket…). So I decided to go on without drawing money, until it seemed necessary for me to buy something to wear while teaching which might be a bit more “presentable”, so I drew more money, but decided to keep half of it apart to exchange when we go to India. This left me with 50RM to buy something to wear and use for other necessities. Well, there wasn’t much left by the time we started at the school and within the first week God asked me to also give away the little that was left and trust in Him completely. And I can just testify that God’s been faithful and providing in all I needed and more, even when I was unfaithful by not obeying as I should have. Because of this I also know that He’s not finished with what He’s teaching me through this – this is just one of the small things I have to become faithful in and I’m not yet there. But by His grace I know He’ll get me there.
Although I know God provides in what we need and experienced His provision in finances often, He is busy to increase my faith in this area and establishing a new lifestyle and thought pattern in my life regarding finances. The other night I’ve come across 1 Tim 6:17 “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” You see, the issue is not the wealth God blesses us with, but the influence of that wealth on our lives. Do we realize that it’s a blessing from God which still belongs to Him to use as He wishes and then keep putting our hope in the Giver of this blessing, or do we change our focus and put our hope in the blessing?
And my challenge to you is to go and make sure where you’ve put your hope. And if it’s not in Christ, then start speaking to Him about it. It’s very easy to say we trust in Him when we have a “back door” to fall on. And it’s also easy to trust in Him if there’s nothing else to trust in. But do we have the discipline to completely trust in Him even if we have a “back door”?
Written by Marisa Fourie