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Pablo's experience in Guatemala


Going camping

Preparing for an awesome Tryke Session.
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It is so hard to put into words when God comes and wrecks your mind with totally new revelation that changes the way that you perceive and think about life. Guatemala and the work that God did there surely changed me and the group, realizing how vast and amazing his Grace is, what it truly means to be a son and not a slave, and what effect does the Cross have on our lives.
I knew all these things before, but when head knowledge changes to revelation from the Spirit, things change drastically. In Colossians 3:11 “there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all”. We re-ceived this revelation that Christ is in all, therefore when you look at anyone, "from Prostitute to a Murderer”, who and what do you see? We realized that Christ Died for everyone, not just the Be-liever. So therefore Christ is in everyone, how can we Judge anyone anymore. It changed our whole perspective of evangelizing. We could actually get to a point were we could Love any one as Jesus did, and through that Love we were able to reach so many more people than we could have ever imagined.
It all started with a night that we just went out into the streets, with no other motive then enjoying ourselves. That night we built relations with people that we would usually probably not speak to. One of the Guys was Jose, we had an opportunity to just speak to him for a little while. A few days later we were on our way back from Church and we walked into him again. He asked us were we were coming from and we told him Church. He couldn't believe that we were Christians and then out of the blue he asked us if he can give his life to Jesus. We really had to do nothing God just chose to use us.
One of the other guys that we met that night was a Hippy and his wife. Everyday seeing them on the street we were able to greet them and speak to them for a while. One of the days we met the Hippy and asked him if there is any pain in him that we could pray for. He said no but his wife is very sick. We decided to pray over a survete and give it to him to take to his wife. About to days later we walked into him again, him jumping around with joy giving us hugs saying that his wife was healed. We were able to share about Jesus Love and tell him who the healer was.
Through the rest of the time we were able to pray for so many more people. We went out one night just asking people if they want to feel something cool. We would ask the Holy spirit to touch the per-son. We had most of the people say that they feel so much freedom after the Holy Spirit touched them, some were crying and rededicating their lives to Jesus and others were healed from all sorts of problems.
We were on our way home full of Joy of what God did the evening and we walked past this car with two guys and a lady that looked like they could be part of the Mafia or something. They asked us if we were interested in something strong thinking that we were on something because of the Joy in us.
We responded by asking them if they wanted to feel something cool;) We joined them and spoke to them for a while, the guy switched of the music in the car and stood up alongside his wife. He said that he had been waiting for people like us his whole life. We asked him if he had any pain. He had problems with his back and he was totally healed after our prayer for him and his wife. God is so good, we just need to show his love to the nations, he is already doing the work, I am so honored to be his son.
Work your way on top of Sollola ready for the ride.

The other project that we did in Guatemala was building tryke bicycles. Pastor Ben had this idea for the youth of Panajachal to get involved in an extreme sports and get them of the streets. We had to go into the nabor hood and ask people if we could have their old broken down Bicycles that they do not use anymore. Out of these Bicycles we would create these tryke drifting machines that go up to 80km an hour wile drifting around a corner on a extreme down hill. We all managed to build our tryke in the month and use our own creativity of style for the tryke. As we come down the heal the back wheels make quite a loud noise and evokes quite a lot of attention. So we always had quite large crowds gathering at all our stops, people coming out everywhere to see what the commotion is. This was a beautiful opportunity to share the Gospel to the people, telling them that as we used the old bykes and created them into something new, so God wants to take their lives and create it into some-thing new.

Pastor Ben is also busy building a missionary house for the purpose of traveling missionaries through Guatemala. During the day we would be on the work site, learning to lay bricks in a straight line, also doing a lot of cement and concrete mixing. The project is a big faith journey, and when we were there we were able to experience God bless the project with 1000 bricks and R10 000 for the continuation of the building. We really learnt a lot about God as the provider and just putting all your faith in him. He will be there carrying us in every situation.
The next country Belize, we are so expected of what God is going to do.

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