God has a voice.
What does God sound like? How does His voice sound? When and how does He speak? God is the creator of all things.
This is a question that I’ve had all my life. What does God sound like when He speaks? Is His voice gentle like a father speaking to his children or does His voice sound like thunder when he is mad? Does He have a deep sounding voice or just a normal speaking voice or does He have an accent like I do when I speak in a different language. For long I was wondering why God wasn't speaking to me when I asked Him a question. I was waiting for a voice to speak to me because that is the way I thought God speaks.
But through my journey this year to hear God's voice I realised that by thinking in this manner I placed God in a box. I placed the creator of all things in a box due to the limitations of my thinking. The one whom created all thing's with the vapour of His voice. The God that had no reference and created everything we see today. He created me and everyone to be unique.
As I went on this journey to explore what God sounds like I realised that God doesn’t only speak with a voice. As I was reading in the Bible I realised how God is in everything. He is in the Mountains, the deserts, the open planes, the rivers, the amazon, the sky, the sea, the heavens and the stars. He is in people and dreams too because He is the creator of all things.
By realising this and seeing God in my travel, in all of these things I came to the realisation that God speaks in different ways and I started to change my mind to be open and allow God to speak to me in all the ways He can possibly speak. Since I changed my mind to think like this I have experienced God more in my life than ever before and am marvelled in the way He speaks. I am learning so much and walking a more intimate road with God and growing in my faith.
So don't put God in a box, because it limits your mind and blocks the Spirit. Open the box and your life will never be the same!