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Seeking God's presence

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God has a voice

God has a voice.  What does God sound like? How does His voice sound? When and how does He speak? God is the creator of all things.  This is a question that I’ve had all my life. What does God sound like when He speaks? Is His voice gentle like a father speaking to his children or does His voice sound like thunder when he is mad? Does He have a deep sounding voice or just a normal speaking voice or does He have an accent like I do when I speak in a different language. For long I was...
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Shaking the foundation's of my Faith

Charles C West once said “We turn to God for help when our foundation's are shaking, Only to learn that it is God who is shaking them”  In Luke 10 Jesus sends out the 72 Disciples before Him to go to the towns in faith without any extra belongings except the clothes they have on them and trust the Lord.  During my Luke 10 experience God shook my foundations in such a way that I got a shock of how little faith I have in Him. I learned that God is a God that provides for his children when stepping...
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New Wine

New Wine. In the world there are more than a hundred Types of wines. The general process of making a bottle of wine from seed to bottle can take three to five years. The seed by itself can’t do anything and tastes bitter. It needs the soil to sprout and the ground to feed on. The Farmer needs to give it water to be able to grow and to prune it to produce the best grapes. The grapes go through a couple of processes and finally are bottled to be enjoyed on a warm summer or cold winter evening with...
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Jesus, I love You

Jesus, I love You
Dear Jesus, I adore You, I stay in awe and wonder of whome You are, what You have done for me, How much You loved me even before I was born, the way You always stand with open arms to hold me tight. You are there when I am in a bad situation, You are there in the joy and good times, You gide my steps for me, You keep me warm when life is cold, You are the  light in my darknes. You sent me a helper to always stay with me, to guide me, to teach me, to...
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Africa's adventures with God

With open arms you greeted Me. Without any hesitance you showed me your beauty.  It was better than I have ever imagined. With Pride you showed your wide open planes, misty mountains and roaring thunder in the far distance. You touched my heart and changed Me. You revealed all of your Jewels. The roughest, unsmoothed jewels in the ghetto’s and unreached places. They are being smoothed out by Him to become the biggest and most precious stones, hidden from the world yet continuing to do the same that was done to them. You revealed your heart, your deepest cuts, and...
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The Fire

The Christian life is not a play ground it is a battle ground. My battle is not agents flesh and blood but against the spiritual enemy whom apposes me so I will draw the battle line and face my enemy with a bold determination. Even when it hits me to my knees I will not let it keep me there. I will keep on fighting keep on moving for I do not draw my strength from my body of flesh but from the spirit of God that lives inside me and still have the same power that raised Jesus from...
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Back where I belong

Back where I belong   Back in December of 2018, my sister and brother in-law announced that they where pregnant. It was such blessed news to receive. The entire family was so happy and thankful for the news and praised God. We all knew that it would be a difficult road ahead and that without God, it would be impossible.   I had a difficult start to the year and had to allow God to teach me to keep my focus on Him and not on things I want. To stay focused and trust in God and His will for...
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fix your focus

Taking photos in the outdoors we see this eagle in flight and pull out our camera's immediately focussing on the eagle close by and blurring out the rest, zooming in to see the detail of the eye forgetting about the rest. Having the right angle to capture the Beauty of the feathers, have the shutter speed just right to catch the perfect shot. Have the aperture bigger to capture more light to emphasize the Eagle. Have the right aspect ratio to get the size of the photo right.   We are so focused on using all these features to get...
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Live without a bubble


Like in the movie Bubble boy, we as humans tend to live in a bubble, a space where we feel save and comfortable to live our lives. But we go in to defence mode and attack people when ever thay threaten our bubble. The same goes with religion. 

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Religion Brings Division

One religion says I am right and You are wrong   Another religion says You are goin to heaven and thay are going to hell   Where is the love in that   This religion says you have to pray six times a day for all your sins   That religion states you need to burn offerings to your statue god to be forgiven   Another religion says you need to pray facing a surtain direction   One religion says everyone is welkom    Another one states you can only be born in to it   That religion you pay...
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