For the small chance that you may not know me and are still reading this, here is my story (briefly). The rest of you can skip the next paragraph:
I grew up in Texas with 2 younger sisters. Currently I am living in the town of New Braunfels with a great family named the Tuckers. I went to college at Rhodes in Memphis, TN. After college I have spent many summers (and even a full year on a discipleship program) working at a Christian sports camp called TBarM. Recently, the Lord has put an incredible passion for missions on my heart.
About a year ago I got back from the World Race 2006. During this trip God placed a burden on my heart to see other Americans experience God's love in the way I did though a life changing mission experience. I like to say the World Race wrecked my life because now I find it hard to be satisfied unless I am living radically for Jesus. My desire is for others to have this same experience, finding a passion to live recklessly abandoned to God's will for their lives.
It is incredible how God has directed me to this 80 day trip and is truly fufilling the desires of my heart. Not only am I looking forward to the Lord's divine appointments and to sharing His love with the nations, but I am most excited about getting trained to lead a summer 2008 Global Challenge 80 Day trip with my good friend Kim Lynch. I can truly say I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good through all the ways He has made this possible.
I am so amazed by God's provision! I have so many great people who are praying for me and supporting me, a free plane ticket to South Africa, and a pair of shoes that REI paid me 78 cents to take from their store. I have been astonished by the ways the Lord has confirmed this calling in my life.& nbsp; Thanks to all of you who have been a part of this!
So it's now one week till I'm on a plane and heading out around the world again! Reality of leaving is setting in as I'm having 'last suppers' with friends and family, cramming as much stuff as I can into my backpack, and saying some goodbyes. I'm sad to leave you guys again, but so excited to see what God has planned. I'll do my best to keep you posted on all the details through this great tool of blogging (so check in regularly). Love you all and I will miss you! Until South Africa...peace out foo's! -Sarah
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, oh Lord; they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9