My best subject in school was always Biology...and the reason for that is...because there is lots of pictures in the text book!! The Bible does say,: "do unto others what you want to be done unto yourself", so I will not bore you with to many paraghraps but rather show some colourful pictures!!
Arriving in
In the evenings we had a time of fellowship on the roof, and looking up at the star filled sky I really experienced God’s presence. Our hosts were members of the Coptic Church which started this community.
Back in
Being a group that loves to travel, we already had a new destination to explore – Dahab, a small town next to the
Worshiping the Lord on the mountain I was overwhelmed with the bigness and greatness of the God. How can you really grasp God in one thought?? And sitting on the mountain I was reminded of what God told Moses – “I AM WHO I AM”. I AM _________ . God is saying I AM whatever this world or you will ever need. You can never define the I AM, He cannot be boxed. But yet, this big and awesome God I know personally for He has revealed Himself to me, a mere human being…

We only had a few days in Dahab, to enjoy the
nWhat a privilege to see and experience a place on earth were Jesus walked. We slept on a roof in the old city and had a great view of
Ps 84:5 says, :”Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on a pilgrimage” This truly was a pilgrimage, a pilgrimage to seek the face of God. And what I found, changed my heart...