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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Portugal- Sarah

portugal-egypt_006.jpgSarah Rinn


On January 16th we landed in a country where only 1.6% of the people are evangelical Christian and only a mere 3% of the total population attends any sort of church.  This country is influenced by witch craft, idolatry, and atheism.  Most of the people lack the understanding of a personal relationship with Jesus.  It is a country in one of the most resistant mission fields and on the least evangelized continent.  Needless to say, our week in Portugal was very eye opening! 

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My Guatemalan Family!

cimg1903.jpgSarah Rinn

1-10-08 n

Today has been one of the best days on the trip for me thus far!  As I wrote about before, I have been wanting to go visit the family I lived with for 3 weeks in February of 2006. 

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Bienvenidos a Guatemala!

Sarah Rinn


We are now in Guatemala!  We arrived late Friday night in Guatemala City and spent the night in a small hostel.

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Jesus is the Winner Man-WITH PICTURES

sarahindia_009.jpgSarah Rinn

December 28th, 2007

So here is the scoop on Incredible India.  Sorry it has been so long but for safety reasons we couldn’t get on the website at all while in India. 

We arrived in India in early December.  The evening we got in we immediately headed into the heart of Delhi to stay at a “hotel” for the night.  The taxi driver dropped at the end of busy market street a ways down from our hotel... 

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Jesus is the Winner Man

sarahindia_012.jpgSarah Rinn

December 28th, 2007

So here is the scoop on Incredible India.  Sorry it has been so long but for safety reasons we couldn’t get on the website at all while in India.  (PS I promise more pictures are to come to this blog...check back later)

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cimg1770.jpgWe are almost finished with our week in Malaysia.  Sorry that we haven't had a lot of internet time, and I don't have much now, but I'll try to at least get up a bunch of pictures.
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Chickity China, the Chinese Chicken

sarah_005.jpgWe are leaving Hong Kong tomorrow and heading to Malaysia.  Let me fill you in on the past few days.


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Neih Hou...or Something Like That?

We are in Hong Kong!  After a 12 hour flight, we have safely arrived in Hong Kong, pretty tired and worn out.  For those of you who are curious we are now 14 hours ahead of Texas time; put that on a post it note to remind yourself.  Unfortunately on the flight there was no turkey, stuffing, or green bean cassorole like Kim and I had prayed for. 

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ljss.jpgThe other day, I started thinking about how sad it would be to come all the way to South Africa and not see my great friends Lana and Jacques from the World Race.  Since they live about a 2 hour plane ride away, Kim had already told Lana and Jacques that I wouldn’t make it down there.  However, Kim and I devised a plan to surprise them.

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South Africa!

After 19 hours of flying time, a 5 hour layover in Atlanta, and a 1 hour layover in Senegal, I touched down in South Africa!!!  It was a long trip, but God blessed me tremendously throughout it!
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