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Sent to fetch our donkey...Silver team Luke 10

What do you think of when I say ‘Luke 10?’

You may say ‘Jesus sending out his disciples two by two; they were sent into the harvest field because the harvest is ripe but the workers are few; so that all men might be saved…’ or something along those lines. Through different teachings and preparing for such a journey we undertook a few weeks ago, we also learnt some very important things: the characteristics of a man of peace; the characteristics of the person going; and the overall purpose of Luke 10 being for kingdom building of those who are willing to go; a time of learning and growth, with many risks involved; and to demonstrate a compassion for the lost so that all men might be saved.

For silver team, our Luke 10 journey started with the scripture God gave me in The Philippines one Sunday at church in July - Acts 9 (which is detailed in my previous blog). After an amazing 2 weeks in Thailand of prayer, seeking the Lord, receiving different teachings on Luke 10, and through scriptures and prayer confirmations, we were told to go ‘fetch our donkey’ in Siem Reap Cambodia, just as the disciples were told to go fetch their donkey in Matt 21: 1-17 for the Lord. Although what Jesus asked them to do didn’t make sense to them at all, it was done in such a way so Jesus could enter Jerusalem and destroy the image that the Pharisees had made Him out to be. Jesus had His Father’s heart in mind for everything, and if all God asked of the silver team was to fetch our ‘donkey’ on Luke 10, then we were to obey and honour Him in that request, even if we didn’t understand the reasoning or purpose behind it initially.

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The road to Damascus...

Although I am speaking figuratively, the road to ‘Damascus’ is not an easy one. Often marked with many obstacles and potholes, the ‘road’ of following Christ is never without a challenge. Saul (later Paul) experienced this journey on the road to Damascus. Although his intention for heading there was to persecute Christians, God had other plans for him, as we see through his miraculous change of life after his conversion.


One Sunday in July in The Philippines after returning from our work project on Olango Island, God gave me a revelation for my Silver team, in relation to Acts 9. It was to do with our preparation for Luke 10 later in the month and to be used as a background for teaching and personal growth in the Lord. Although this relates specifically to us and what God showed us through this scripture at the time, I hope that the principles in this passage will encourage you in your journey to Damascus with the Lord!

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The dream team challenges in Ubatuba!

Hola amigo´s!!
Brazil has flown by so fast and the time came to say goodbye to our new friends with a farewell at Elaine's house last night. Little did we know, a challenge would be sprung on us so suddenly! As we write this we are challenging the blue and yellow teams around the streets of Ubatuba!!!

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Ola Por Favor here from the Silver Team!


Man! Have we had an amazing time! God has really been strengthening our relationship with Him as we build relationships with the people here in Ubatuba. 

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OLA! ...from da Silver Teamo!

OLA! ...from da Silver Teamo!
Ahoi friends and family! Let me introduce you to the fast- as- lightning- very- very- frightening Silver Team... Erin, Jean, Chantelle, and Gehta. As we write this, we are sitting in an internet cafe in Ubatuba, Brazil safe and well. What a blast the past two months has been training in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, and what a privilege it is to now be in Brazil! It was an honour to have had Joe Erwing in our last week of training. He gave awesome teachings on the gifts of the Holy Spirit! It was sooo cool to be sent out being equipped...
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OAXACA, MEXICO - Silver team conquers challenge!

OAXACA, MEXICO - Silver team conquers challenge!
Only by a mere few seconds were the silver team able to be the first to complete the challenge in Oaxaca. At the scorching temperatures of midday in Mexico the silver team ran at least 7-8 blocks to get to the local market. We had the lovely opportunity to taste 3 different kinds of delicious Mexican chocolate as well as having to buy a very interesting local delicacy which was to be eaten at the Passeo Juarez El Llano whilst making a video recording. It was a very close call as both teams were huffing and puffing on each others...
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The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem
What an amazing experience! I have to confess that my day started out on a really low note, definitely a bass 2 ;)   However, as soon as we entered the garden tomb it was as if I did not have a choice but to bubble and burst with jubilation. It’s as if one’s spirit and soul just automatically want to bounce around (much, much more than the energizer bunny!) and almost can’t be contained. Even thinking about it now lifts my spirit with joy!   Golgotha Jesus’ Tomb - He is not here, for He has risen. We were...
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Mount of Olives in Jerusalem What an amazing, joyous and blessed day! We attended the Baptist church service in Jerusalem and delighted the congregation by joyfully singing Jabulani. After the song the church had an influx of an American tourist group and we sang once more! The church was so full that some of us even had to sit on the floor. The sermon really spoke to our hearts and set such a wonderful tone for the events to follow. Procession with Palm branches down Mount of Olives Marching band to bring Glory to God As we watched the masses streaming down from...
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Northbound with Bronwyn and Clara excited to have a feast of Doner Kebaps in Adana . Dear Friends and Family! I apologize for the extended silence on my behalf, as well as not being able to finish the blog yesterday. Adana was an extremely blessed time for Northbound! We enjoyed the time spent in serving and having fellowship with the church members tremendously! All glory and honour to God for providing the funding and means for us to visit Adana. Even having grace with the 15kg per bag weight limit for our flight, what a miracle seeing that we were almost 20kg overweight...
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Call for support and prayer for Adana

Northbound arrived safely in Istanbul, Turkey on Wednesday. We were blessed by the presence of Bronwyn and Clara, who have taken up a position of leadership while David and Dunette are absent. We had no definite plans set out for our time in Turkey, but hoped to be invited to go to one of our brothers in Christ’s home church in Adana or go to Kusadasi. Previous GCX teams have served and visited Kusadasi before and the ruins of Ephesus and the early church is also within the city. Just before Clara and Bronwyn left South Africa we received an...
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