Any description I give to the experience I have had these past three weeks will fall short of the glory and honour it should give too our utmost Highest.
What an awesome privilege it is to stand as a witness to the hundreds of young people committing their lives to Jesus in South Africa today.
Every where we visit the same theme stands out...
God is raising up a generation of young leaders who are willing to lay down their own ambitions, their own desires, their lives... and follow Him wherever that may lead.
I remember a few years back when I was also settled in a job I enjoyed, had the luxury of driving the "bank's" car... and could pretty well predict what the next day will bring. In this "secure" environment I was never truly challenged to walk out in faith, for I always new where my next pay check would come from... Then one day I experienced God calling met into a new direction... (I purposefully don't say "ministry" because I believe where ever you find yourself - that is your place of ministry)
This new direction was unlike the one I was used to... It didn't provide me with a monthly pay check, nor regular working hours or much "normal" certainty at all...
The one thing it did provide me with was the opportunity to live a life like no other.
What does this slogan: "Life Like No Other" really mean?
To me it means the discovery of Gods true purpose for your life... It means knowing who you are in Christ Jesus and living from that place of certainty, authority, boldness and joy. It means being on a journey of discovery and growth... a journey of faith and trust. It means finding ones true purpose amongst all the other good ideas...
I stand on Ephesians 2 verse 10 where the word of God declares that each one of us was created for the good works which God has prepared before hand for you. That means that you were created - pre destined for works which God already knows in advance! This gives each one of us a huge "worth"... as obedient followers of Jesus.
I would love to hear your opinions, so please comment below!
Till next time!