How do I begin to describe a journey that has changed my life!!!
I planned to write a long testimony on all the things that have been revealed to me and how the Lord had worked in my life thus far - but it would be a very long letter and I may begin to cry... So, a quick note :)
The Phillipines moved me in may ways, well Christ did, i loved the intense ministry and I found a love for prophesy and prayer! I, too, got the privelage of leading and being part of worship as well a teach dance. Not to mention the fact that I preached my first sermon to a 300 strong crowd. The Holy Spirit gets all the credit as he came to the party each time!!! But what an honour to be part of that! &
Intramuros in Manila and Olango Island's ministry
Aus was difficult in many ways as Christ revealed many old hurts and sins that I neede to deal woth and work through. But with His guidence and the obedience of my team leader, a couple (thousand) tears were shed and the restoration process begins...
All I want to leave you with is the encouragement that Jesus really does use absolutley anybody and that we should never doubt His ability in our lives or in that of others. Hehas many promises for us and though we may be hated by the world (1 john), we have the gift of eternal life. Keep on keeping ,cause with Christ all things are possible! and dont for one minute think ouare not included in that plan - if He hasn't revealed himself yet - ask Him for it and wait upon the LorD!
Personal relationships with JC ROCK!!! My
Father, my friend, my provider!
The Crusades in Phillipines
On Mountain Trails Farm in Australia