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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Hurricane Agatha that struck the south of Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador has left a wake of destruction, devastation and dead bodies.   With countless families loosing lives, homes and possessions we find ourselves in the midst of great need. Having hit on 29 May 2010, shortly after the Northbound team left, the effects are still being felt with problems far from over. With the hurricane comes torrential rain causing mudslides and rockslides leaving everything in near proximity buried. Panajachel, a town in the southwest Guatemalan highlands on the shore of Lake Atitlan, has been rather affected as well as those...
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2612 Hits

SeRiOusLy !?

SeRiOusLy !?
         My time in Peru has come and gone, and certain memories have lifetime status won! From Lima to Chiclayo (in which we began our stay), the Peruvians welcomed us in the most blessed of ways. The Groenewalds and pastors did everything they could to make us all comfy as real family would!   Then Touching Hearts course ran for 11 days- intensive ministry that challenged our ways. Translated from English to Spanish it took rather long but pressing on it broke even the 'strong'.     With much to process we took to the road, Incawasi in Andes...
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1929 Hits

... ON FIRE!!!...

I cant even begin to contain the truth about God's faithfulness and the joy that it has resulted in!!! And this is only the beginning... Let's consider gold: if we look at a gold alloy, from the outside it appears to be genuine, real, but within it's is has many other substances added making it hard, difficult to shape and ultimately worth less. Pure gold, however, is soft and pliable and worth a small fortune. To purify an alloy one would need to grind it to a fine powder, add flux and bring it to the boil - at such a time...
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2124 Hits

HoW gOEs iT?!

HoW gOEs iT?!
How do I begin to describe a journey that has changed my life!!! I planned to write a long testimony on all the things that have been revealed to me and how the Lord had worked in my life thus far - but it would be a very long letter and I may begin to cry... So, a quick note :) The Phillipines moved me in may ways, well Christ did, i loved the intense ministry and I found a love for prophesy and prayer! I, too, got the privelage of leading and being part of worship as well a...
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1976 Hits

ThAiLaNd StYLe...

ThAiLaNd StYLe...
    I will alsways remember the 1.) hiring a scooter and riding all over trat, the flat tire we got and speeding! 2.) serving the community of Buddists in the temple and singing praise and worship so loud they couldnt help but smile at our God giving joy! 3.) Seraniah, Faithful, Isaiah and Fresh who welcomed us into their home and allowed us to be part of their ministry... what a family and what lovong people. We are blessed to be part of such groung breaking work!!! God is good, all the time! I learnt to pray no matter...
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2024 Hits

SaMe SaMe....

SaMe SaMe....
Reality check!!! As this is a journey based on a God seeking lifestyle I firmly believe that this year isn't just a year', but part of an intergril season. A season in our lives where our attitudes are moulded, characters shaped and actions initiated according to God's will for each individual. So where does that leave me? SAME SUZI... BUT DIFFERENT :) But what God did reveal to me and what I would like to share is that of Romans 13... My choices (as God gives me free will) may not always lead to or be sinful- but they do...
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2037 Hits

GoOdByE InDiA :(

GoOdByE InDiA :(
          ***my girls: Jyoti and Soman :)   and ***proof that I climbed a Himalyan mountain! :)                                           And here we thought this was going to be a breeze... see the world they said... life changing stuff they said.... NOT ONE LIE!   I have been struggling with what to write in this blog as so much has happened these last 2 weeks in Dwarka... the children have not only taught me how to love unconditionally, but Jesus...
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823 Hits

A VeLLy SmELLy DeHli

*DEHLI* :) What a wonderful place... Really... it is as Jesus himself spilled this paint set onto a nation and they fabricated it all into bags and shiny objects... What a sight... you do, however, have to glance past the 'pee-pots' (outdoor urinals), the spitting locals, the dust, the smell and the dung om the rodes... but all that vanishes as bursts of cultur infactuate street dwellers... We braved a taxi today - this one had 4 wheels AND breaks... what a treat :) the airport was efficient enought yet our biltong went undertected... again, treat! the journey from Dubai...
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1966 Hits

WhY? WhY! wHy............

Why are you (me) doing this year????? People still ask the question: "Am I my brothers' keeper?"... (Gen 4:8-9) Are you going to be brave enough to say YES? Levitcus 19:18 clearly tells us to love our neighbour (people) as we do ourselves... but do we? The LORD himself gave these commands! As the body of Christ we need to be more concerned for our brothers and sisters... We are so guilty in that we see the anguish of their souls and do nothing!!!! The book of Acts is a good model of a caring community... "And all who believed...
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1681 Hits

DoN't PiLLaY!

WHAT...??? I have to do what with my toilet paper? hmm... I am still wrapping my head around the cultural differences I am about to be faced with such as the 'no left hand' rule... and 'bog roll-in-the-bin-not-in-the-loo' rule... and the toilets on the ever fresh smelling train... YUM :) :) But I am READY... .... So since its 1.35am and I am yet to pack, I do believe 'tomorrow' has arrived a day early *mental distress signal initiated*  but... nonetheless I shall mention some *fun facts* about India... (if you haven't caught on by now that would be our...
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1400 Hits

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