The time in Thailand was a huge blessing to me. After China, it was great to do some physical work, and to be in a country where I can just wear my shorts and slip slops.
We spent most of our time in Thailand building and helping out Pastor Wasun in his ministry. It was a great learning school to me, as it was my first time building. I realized how much there is to know about it, and how much I enjoyed it.
At times it got a bit frustrating and I got tired of working with my hands, but that too learned me a lot: I realized that I am not working for myself or for Pastor Wasun, but actually, I am working for God. Together with that I was motivated to complete what we have started to the best of my ability in order for it to bring glory to Him alone.
During this time, we also got to know the Y-WAM (Youth With A Mission) Team that came all the way from America. They also helped the Pastor building. It was really good to socialize with a group that has the same motives as ours, and listening to some of their amazing testimony’s motivated me a lot in my walk with Christ.
We worked from 9 o’clock until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, which allowed a lot of time to spend with God, and to grow in the relationship with Him.
We were provided abundantly in all our needs, even in the smallest needs you can think of. We also had the opportunity to go to the beach a few times, and visit the Tsunami memorial. It was a big shock to be at the exact place where thousands lost their lives, and to realize that many of them are now lost souls, that Jesus once created.
I can easily say, that Thailand made a great impact on my life, and I would definitely return if the decision was up to me.
Tiaan Gericke