I am not satisfisfied hearing from "Moses" When I can go up the mountain myself and see God face to face.
John 5 vs 19 "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does."
This is how Jesus did His ministry and lived His life. He never spoke out of His own and He was obedient and submitted to the will of God in every step He took even untill he gave his life for us on the cross.
I do not claim to be anywhere near to this perfection and obedience but our time in Israel was the most intense experience I have ever had of this.
You have no other option than to trust the Lord and be obedient to His voice when you land in a foreign country 20 days earlier than planned and even more so when you are leading 10 other people into the unknown.
Now faith is not having in hope in something out there some where that might be true. Faith is beleiving in what we know to be true.
You see we all have faith it is just what we put our faith in that is different. Some it is science, some it is nature, some it is logic and reason, some themsevles or others. As for me, it is the Lord.
The Lord exposed so many things that I put my faith in that is not Him. He exposed all the voices I was listening to that were not His, then He proceeded to strip away each one so He is the one and only who remains.
Sounds like a few of those worship songs I have been singing my whole life that now have a true a deeply profound meaning. I think twice before singing them these days. If I only look and the sometimes painful processes, I run away and don't look back. In the process, hardship and refining is painful but when you come to the end you can look back and know each process was nessesary and worked together for the result.
1 Peter 1 vs 6-7 Though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuiness of your faith- more precious than gold that perished though it is tested by fire- may have found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ. "

Jesus bore the cross and suffered by looking up, he lifted his eyes, he set his mind on the things that are above, he knew of the Joy set before him. He trusted fully in Father's goodness and perfect plans. And he knew it was worth it all.
I have not experienced this kind of suffering but the trials and processes I did face were overcome by trusting the Lord, lifting my eyes to Him, knowing that He is with me and that He is in control.
It was amazing to experience and know God in a new and deeper way. To show God's heart, love and mercy. To hear His voice, to feel his presence.
What is the price of these things? How could we put any value on them, there is nothing we could give in exchange for relationship with God. Oh how He longs to be with us and show us more of Himself.
In the words of United persuit "there is no shame in looking like a fool to give up what I can't keep to take a hold of you!" This is the biggest privilege I have ever had and continue to have in my life.
The Lord lead us, guided us, showed us so much of who He is these past 2 months. I cannot help but be in awe of HIM!
Thank you Lord 