Hi Everyone
So the first week in Egypt has just been AWESOME! The whole team was caught with their pants on their ankles a bit because of the weather, all of us thought we were going to be sweating the WHOLE time, and when we arrived here ALL of us had to get our jackets out and start putting on some extra clothes :P
We had so many teachings the last couple of weeks in SA and even here in Egypt but i quickly want to share something with you that really made me think a lot
How many times have you walked around and saw someone and felt sorry for him? Met someone or just had a cup of coffee with one of your friends that is really hurting and just feel for them?
Most of us always walk by/go home and pray that God will just do something, just show them who He really is or that He will just intervene in their lifes and built that relationship? but do we ever think How God should do that? Should he sent Angels to comfort them? With a miracle just take away all the pain in 1 second? or give someone what they need with a miracle? (which by the way he is TOTALLY capable of doing!)
But God doesnt operate like that most of the time, God decide's to use us as human beings, WE are his hands and feet on the earth and WE need to do something about it, WE need to help that homeless person, WE need to comfort and be there for the friend that needs love so badly, WE need to be the miracle of God for that person. And in a amazing way, God blesses us when we do that and in the whole process He begins to change our hearts and we begin to grow more and more in the person God wants us to be...
So next time you see someone/ meet someone/ feel someone's hurt, just take a moment and dont ask God to intervene rather ask Him to give you the words/compassion/ability to help that spesific person!!!