So the last day or two we have been running around Jbay and PE and doing the MOST MOST bizzare stuff EVER!!! We have had to catch a chicken (twice) make footprints in cow dung, build a human statue, play official official at a local school's (read GLA) athletics day, played for a hour on a super tube, took a swim in the indian ocean, took a Ihashe for a ride on the beach ( for some of us the horse took us for a run...:P ), visited a few historic places in PE, sang gummy bears song about 100 times for donations, met the most fascinating, weird and cool persons ever, and of course spending a night on the PE airport .... And if you havent guessed by now YES it is challenge number one of GCX 2010!!! So we thought we would share a few pictures with you guys just for an appetizer for whats to come this year!
my friend really miss you...
you will come to brazil???
Looks like all of you had a really good first challenge! Wes nice one with the fruit next to you while sleeping!! That's how we know you loving God and Fruit!!! hahaha! Be blessed!