I remember standing at the edge of a cliff. Looking out at the big wide blue ocean. Looking down and seeing a beautiful scary blue unknown. My heart pounding in my chest like the sound of an epic climactic drum solo. Should I jump? Should i let go of every fear, every doubt every what if? Should i abandon all i thought i knew? Should i trust that the fall will bring freedom instead of regret? I was standing at the edge of my seemingly ordinary, but yet surprisingly weird and random life, Our omnipresent creator whispering: “Do you...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
The past month I have been asked the same question over and over again: " What's happening next? " I would shrug my shoulders and say: " I don’t know yet, I’ll probably know when the “next” comes . ” Well the “next” came. God said “Go!” And so I’ll go. But in the midst of this I pondered on what it means to go. Does it truly always mean a state of moving or going somewhere or does it have some hidden meaning we’re not seeing. The dictionary defines it this way: ‘ Go is to move from one place...