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The story of a 20-year old girl: the UNSTOPPABLE God

The story of a 20-year old girl: the UNSTOPPABLE God
A few days ago our team went to the Simon Bolivar Park in Santa Marta, expectant to see God move through our dramas and Fred's testimony. Near to the end of the Broken drama a young girl walked past us and turned back to see what is going on. As she sat down our eyes met for a few seconds and God being so excited with her being there, as if saying "Yes, yes, she's here !!!" Man, God was going to do something big... After our program I immediately felt compelled to go to her and not long afterwards...
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Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life
    I always thought the words  and then  were a prelude to something wonderful. Like seeing a ship come in or finding a note in your letterbox, when you weren't expecting one. That swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything.  And then .   Two little words that hold a world of promise.  And then  the light pierced through the dark sky, and the rain stopped falling.    And then  I met you.    Uganda, experiencing you was like being ten hears old again, scaling a tree with my eyes bright and skyward, wanting to get higher and higher...
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pink, my favourite colour?the story continues...


More recently i am convinced that the greatest battle you will ever fight is for your FIRST LOVE! The greatest call you will ever answer is the call to RETURN to your creator! The greatest purpose of your existence is for intimacy. You have been saved for GOD! "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." [john 17:3]. What an Awe inspiring God we serve, the King of the universe loves and pursues a creation that's predisposition is to betray and reject HIM! But before you begin to think that this is another one of those pieces that will make you feel guilty about being a human listen to this Story ...

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Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"

Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"
    We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there even though we go away, and there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. Kenya is such a place. It is truly like Narnia.  There is something beautiful  about Kenya that is thousands of years old. Too old to be truly captured by poems and songs. Loved by everyone, loved so very deeply. Kenya is everything real in a world of make believe.    But even though I left some part of me behind, I also found...
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Practice the Pause

Practice the Pause
"Be Still." Two words. Constant and always present. Having morning coffee, I hear it: "Be Still." Swimming in the clear blue ocean. Walking on snow white sand. Watching a Fiery red sunset. "Be Still." Fellowshipping with people who have become family. Listening to music, old and new. Feeling the presence of God. Be Still. Two very simple words, put together to speak chapters. Our time in Tanzania and especially Zanzibar has taught me a very important thing. And that is to practice the pause. When in doubt pause. When angry or irritated, pause. When tired or stressed, Pause. And when...
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Colourful is a 4 letter word.

Colourful is a 4 letter word.
"All of us have the devine spark within us and we so desperately need the breath of God to bring us to life and light. Jesus wants to set the church on fire so the world can warm themselves around us and find light and safety. We are here on earth to be a home and a refuge for the lost and broken. But first we must learn the art of togetherness and celebration. To welcome people into the party of true freedom of finding Jesus we must first be students of that very way of life. We need to...
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A Beautiful Mess.

I have come to the conclusion that i am a messy fractal, planted in the centre of the world, soaking up everything it sets before me. But that is why i have experienced His love. Because He wants me in the midst of my messy roots. Pulling them out one by one, replanting and reorganizing. Watering and nourishing. Until the mess isn’t rotten anymore. Until it’s a beautiful and organized mess. Until i am His mess.  I rejoice in the choice i have made of stepping into the freedom that Jesus offers. A decision that has to be made day by day -...
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Who said that God cannot move mightily in today’s High Schools???

Last week we had our small groups in Global Leadership Academy, like we had every Tuesday and Thursday the last month or so...but this was no ordinary Tuesday... The six girls in my group and I chatted about the Holy Spirit and about how there’s so much more available than what we are usually satisfied with...that if letting Jesus into your life, just to get to heaven, is like receiving a book, then being led by His Spirit is like opening that book just to find there’s a receipt for a brand-new Ferrari in it!!! I shared that only when...
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Sitting in Doha...

Sitting in Doha...
A 13 hour wait in the Doha airport, Qatar while waiting for our connecting flight allows for a uniquely perfect environment for the creation of new and boardum deifying games, including sock sliding and stress ball soccer. Not to mention people gazing ,which is way more interesting here and lots of time to think... Aware that this is but the first of many airport visits I decided to be productive and blog. The phrases ' what on earth am I doing ' may have entered my mind as I stepped of the plane earlier today. Mabye it was the lack...
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"What's Next?"

"What's Next?"
The past month I have been asked the same question over and over again: " What's happening next? " I would shrug my shoulders and say: " I don’t know yet, I’ll probably know when the “next” comes . ”  Well the “next” came. God said “Go!” And so I’ll go. But in the midst of this I pondered on what it means to go. Does it truly always mean a state of moving or going somewhere or does it have some hidden meaning we’re not seeing. The dictionary defines it this way: ‘ Go is to move from one place...
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What a privilege! We started our time in Indo on a very luxurious note. Meeting some parents in Bali. Oh what a glorious time it was. Beaches, sun, fun and a whole lot of feedback. Of course when you start to invest and spend time with people, you grow attached.   Yes, it was devastating to say goodbye to the parents (and Reinhardt) I can't even imagine how hard it had to be for the biological children, if saying goodbye made me cry and I was just a friend.    After Bali we met up with our friends at Destiny...
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