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Panajachel challenge - White Team v1!

Panajachel challenge - White Team v1!
Thursday-morning in rainy Panajachel, a day like any other, time for work right Think again. True to the name us Global Challengers were given a challenge for the day! Having challenged a few times in our small team today things were shaken up a bit. Instead of challenging in our respective small teams, the white team had the privilege to embark on the adventure through Panajachel and its neighbouring towns.  Take a little bit of green, pink and purple and what do you get, the amazing white team! The day was filled with many different memories, taking as much as...
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On being white team...

Leadership gets defined when you are thrown into the back of an airplane wondering if all the team members are on board. Or when, a supposedly agreed upon, 5 minute per person shower, turns into a self proclaimed 10 minute spa treatment with 6 other people waiting for their turn with a "what are you going to do about this" expressions on their faces. Or even that moment when someone tries to convince the guys that lentils have the same amount of protein as a steak. And all this before breakfast. Our team is neatly divided into 5 smaller teams....
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