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Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"
  If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for.    Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
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Northbound India 2014

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Panajachel challenge - White Team v1!

Panajachel challenge - White Team v1!
Thursday-morning in rainy Panajachel, a day like any other, time for work right Think again. True to the name us Global Challengers were given a challenge for the day! Having challenged a few times in our small team today things were shaken up a bit. Instead of challenging in our respective small teams, the white team had the privilege to embark on the adventure through Panajachel and its neighbouring towns.  Take a little bit of green, pink and purple and what do you get, the amazing white team! The day was filled with many different memories, taking as much as...
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I think i'm only coming to the realisation of what God has called me to as His child now. Saying that - it is still a journey. What it means to say "yes" and what He means when He tells me to go. We spent most of our lives without knowing the full truth about who we are without Jesus, how rotten and evil our true nature really is and also without the full truth about what Jesus really did and what He enables us to do when He calls us. I am finding myself at a place where God...
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Have you ever thought what your reaction would be if you were to live in biblical times, or if you were to meet up with someone from that time? For the last three weeks we have had the crazy privilege of spending time with an Ezekiel, a John of our times... and no, my reaction was not as "godly" as I thought it would be. my first thought was: "Are you serious? This guy?! Is this the amazing man of God? He looks crazy!!" :) And so this "crazy man" challenged everything I see as truth and asks me to...
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What do you mean it's not about me?

Wait! What? This is not about me?    So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part.  Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
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The aim of our charge.

The aim of our charge.
Israel, Palistine and all things tense. I do not claim to be an expert an will not attempt to explaine the intigrate details and complexities of the political situation in the Middle East. However standing in the mist of these countries and crossing the wall that devides them, seeing both sides and and grasping a fresh the gravity of the situation is what is on my heart. There is a wall, it is deviding and it is opressing, two grous of people are hurting and what they need is JESUS. This is not about picking sides or having a right...
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Turkey for thanksgiving

I am so thankful for:  African time; it is better than Turkish time, free public toilets, the SPCA, understanding Afrikaans, 'n lekker Braai, wearing shoes in the house, western toilets, Yum Yums double crunch peanut butter, google translater, an open window in a truck with a smoker driver for 7 hours, not having my pasta taken and hidden away by my team, not waking up to the sound of ziplock packets opening, not being called the spice girls or Charlie's angels by every merchant in the market but above all, I am so thankful for these things because they have...
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The sound of love announcing his forgiveness

Many of times we hear how much God loves us and wish nothing but the best for all his children; the ones that know his love and the ones that don’t know it as much. Looking back at my life, knowing all the wrong that I have done to others and myself, I’ve said and done things that I will always be ashamed of, the worst was not knowing if I am really forgiven. I’ve read the scripters and have said the words out loud, but still every detail of my past was not forgiven; well at least not all,...
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God's blessings in the promised land

Everything began at the aiport in Tel aviv on saturady - sabbath - with no public transportations... So we prayed in small groups and got this vers: 'This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9. Perfect vers to hitchhike to the see of galilee! What a great experience!  Six days full of hiking and God's blessings through free bananas, grapefruits, 25 fishes and bread made this definitely my highlight!  This week showed us that God is really with us and...
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Probably the most spoken phrase of all time, every time we fail or see something is too difficult for us, or even if it requires too much time or sacrifice. This is probably one of the most difficult habits to break in life. Why? Probably because it roots to self. The one thing that keeps us away from most of things, self like most of us know only consists of 3 things; “me, myself and I”. Oh sorry, that’s all the same thing, just goes to show how bad self is, self-centred and selfish. But how do the words “I...
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The good Shepard

Five days, five countries… We travelled from Guatemala to Costa Rica, passing through El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. God really surprised me and it was such a joy to truly trust God and go wherever He had prepared for us. I had found myself laughing at the situations and places we were in because I really experienced the promises of God so practically. In Psalms 91 God says ‘If you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent for He will command...
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