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America - Hawaii

America - Hawaii
We had the privilege of going to Los Angeles, California to sort out some of our visas for China and Russia. Because of our one world ticket we could also stop in Hawaii for about 4 days. Firstly LA. We had some time to experience the real American dream. We stayed in Anaheim in a nice hotel where we had dough-nuts and pastries for breakfast each morning. We also went shopping at Wall-mart an Target and it was an experience! The 1 dollar shop was also frequently visited by the Global Challengers. We saw all the big American cars and...
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Coffee Bay and Canzibe (South Africa)

Coffee Bay and Canzibe (South Africa)
As light amidst the darkness we went out with our hearts excited to apply what we learned the previous 4 weeks. We all got into a bus ready for some of the most beautiful but also spiritually dark places in South Africa. Two weeks of hard labor and great ministry opportunities laid ahead of us!   Our Distant Islands team All our journey groups went to Coffee Bay and Canzibe. The first week we went to Coffee Bay where we served at a Christian primary school. The school was on the top of a hill and it overlooked the whole...
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Russia !!! (I love this place!)

Russia !!! (I love this place!)
This a real photoblog so I am sorry for all the internet costs!  I am in China so it doesn't really cost anything. :-)Sit back, imagine and enjoy! We were in Russia (Siberia) for a bit longer than a month. Each week we were in a different city. When we first entered Russia we were shocked by how depressing and broken all the buildings and cars seemed. Buildings were without paint or painted in dull colours. Cars were falling apart and many were missing bumpers or was dirty and bumped. The roads were also falling apart and to drive faster...
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Hey there again! The past time in Guatemala was difficult, fun and educational. Guatemala probably made the biggest impact on me of all the countries we visited so far. I learned so much from the pastor and the church. We visited many cities but stayed in Panajaechel. This is one of those times which felt so short because there was so much going on. (A view from the city Panjaechel where we were staying) Firstly I want to tell about the revival in the team. We have been working on our unity as a team so much this year but this revival...
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Molding Clay

Molding Clay
The last month we were shaped and formed from young people moving in all different directions into a young family united in love and fired up for the mission. We learned what our personalities are and how we can support the body so that it functions properly. All this thanks to the great leadership of Global Challenge allowing God to lead them. Two weeks ago at 5 o'clock we were woken up and had to pack up all our belongings. We were then divided into groups and given a paper with about 20 challenges on them. We all spattered into...
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The Holy Land (Israel and Palestine)

The Holy Land (Israel and Palestine)
The week in the Holy Land was a big experience. It left both a bitter and sweet taste in our mouths. Seeing where Jesus where born, did many miracles, died and rose again was very sweet indeed. The conflict between Israel and Palestine was more bitter. We stayed in a coptic convent and was served by two very loving sisters. The night we arrived we received a feast of chicken and all kinds of vegetables which really gave the week a good start. We were informed about Jerusalem by a great friend of Global challenge and her insight about the history of...
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At first sight we thought that we were back in South Africa. After all the the countries we've visited so far Portugal felt the most like home! The longer we stayed the more it became true. We were feeling more and more at home and after 10 days when we had to leave, it was very hard! The host parents we stayed with played a huge role in this. Peter and me stayed stayed with Manuelle, Alda, their 2 daughters and two sons. They really treated us like family! We had great times playing with the 2 sons that was both in primary...
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Egypt (Blessing upon Blessing)

Egypt (Blessing upon Blessing)
Blessing Upon Blessing Egypt sounded like such a bad place to be in by the way the Israelites were slaves and Pharao with his hardened heart. But today it is a pritty nice place! :-) There was a few high points and very few low points for me in Egypt. Firstly there was DAHAB!! We visited Dahab for a week to give us some rest after the first part of the journey. In Dahab we enjoyed the eastern restaurants where we all were seated on the ground on comfy pillows and enjoyed Coconut milkshakes. We also went snorkeling at places like the...
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2010 Hits

Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman
Upon arriving at the airport of Grand Cayman after a beautiful Caribbean flight the mood was quickly changed. The immigration officer’s eyebrows rose as he saw the empty space on our immigration form. The space for the address where we would stay in Cayman... Like many other countries on our itinerary, Grand Cayman was again another pioneering country. The immigration officers stood up and called Gerrie (our leader) into a room to question him. As he was being questioned we met a South African husband and wife who helped us to get an address of a place where we could...
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1978 Hits


I just started training in Jeffreysbay for Global Challenge. I received a new family that supports me and which I can trust. I have God on my side. How can this year and the rest of my life not be good?!!!! Lets start with the training. The classes is exciting, insightful and fulfilling. We are doing the Veritas bible school and it is so practical and fun. It starts with basic things about how we should read the Bible by exegesis and then how to apply and teach it in our lifes. Feels like I started to read the Bible...
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