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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The same lense, different perspective.

Covid-19 — the unknown to men, the known to God.   2020 — a year that we thought we knew the outline of the drawing, the colour of the picture, the game plan of the match. It's time for a different chapter. A chapter God already wrote.   Our journey is like a new movie. We've already seen the trailer of Global Challenge Expiditions 2020. We've  decided to step into the cinema to watch how our expectations will onfold...   BOOM! Our movie suddenly hits a climax — a plot twist no one expected. Scenes filled with face masks and...
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Day 29

Hidden Paths Team
Day 29 - a (almost) month filled with new family, overflowing joy, serving with Jesus, living a life to love with God and making unforgettable memories... Global challenge welcomed me with open arms the moment I set my foot in the Mission house.The Godly-love the students, staff and community have for each other are contagious! God blessed me with new brothers and sisters to share my Global journey with.  God poured joy into my heart this 29 days. He opened my eyes to see joy all around me. He showed me His joy in people and in the smallest of...
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My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.

My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.
We had the privilege to attend the Kingdom Come conference! God painted the folowing picture for me: We are His and He is ours. We are the eye - one with the  God, the sunflower. The eye represents us. We are not whole - we are broken pieces. The different shapes in the background represents our lives - A MESS WITHOUT GOD! We are colorful and unique, but still incomplete without God. Jesus, our savior, is the sunflower. He is the light! He makes us whole and is the highway to heaven. He completes our eyes. He opens it to...
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