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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Luke 10 - In Europe. Expect the uNeXpEcTeD!


During the year you have read about a Luke 10 journey which the other teams have done. During the month of August, we as Northbound, went on our Luke 10 journey, also known as a faith journey. So this is the Lime teams journey of how God provided and what we learned through all of this.

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Mahosheni - The city on a hill that cannot be hidden

Mahosheni - The city on a hill that cannot be hidden
The journey began on a Friday 4 February... and what a journey it has been! It has been some of the most amazing days of the year thus far. We helped build a rondawel, we learnt to speak Xhosa, we prayed, we made new friends, we dug a toilet, we prayed some more, we dug a vegetable garden and we worshipped BUT most importantly we were part of what God is doing in Mahosheni changing the lives of the people for all eternity and making Mahosheni a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We asked some of the...
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Breaking down walls...

So this is a blog that God put on my heart to write, but for a while I didn't want to write it. But you know God he always gets his way and anyway who are we to argue. So this journey started in a small town in India called Nainital. Every afternoon we went on our own and then we would talk to God but we go into the town to do it because we pray over the people of the town. So that day it was just a emotional draining day for me and it was really hard, so...
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