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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Luke 10 - In Europe. Expect the uNeXpEcTeD!


During the year you have read about a Luke 10 journey which the other teams have done. During the month of August, we as Northbound, went on our Luke 10 journey, also known as a faith journey. So this is the Lime teams journey of how God provided and what we learned through all of this.

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LIME TEAM challenge... Bangkok to Phuket (video)

Videos are more fun than photos... :-)

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Introducing Mr. P! (video)

Watch the LIME TEAM's latest video on our time with Mr. P, our host in Chiang Mai!

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Lime Team Thailand

Lime Team entry of today's activity. Today the Lime Team started it's first day of work in the city of Chaingmai, Thailand. We were asked to paint the bathrooms of a primary school, and being here to serve the people, we accepted the task. The bathrooms need to be scraped, sanded down and the painted in order for us to complete the task. Today we were able to complete half of the task, the school staff is also kind to us, they brought us coke and fruit to snack on, and they even bought us lunch, God truly is blessing...
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LIME TEAM challenge from Bangkok to Phuket!

LIME TEAM challenge from Bangkok to Phuket!
We are on a race!!! We hope we are winning... :-) We were greeted by the air-hostess this morning with a pleasant sentance... "sincronize your watches". The challenge is simple. Complete a list of tasks and sight-seeing challenges in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The finish line is tomorrow night 20:00 in Phuket! From eating sticky rice and mango, riding through the streets with a took-took, rasting stinky feet fruit, feeding fish, taking the train, beeing threatened for jumping on grass, seeing a palace to meeting locals.What a privilage! We are however still on our way to our final destination. Soo...
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Want to test your faith, come to India. After a few weeks in India we have already seen that God provides in magnificent ways. We arrived in Dehli and after a few nights of recovering from hearing people sniff, spit and pretend to think that West Indies and South Africa were in the same continent we got on a train to Kota. When we arrived in Kota we met up with our contact person who then took us to the orphanage where we scraped, sanded, washed and painted the front and side of a church where we not only preached...
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Luke 10 - The Lime Journey in San Salvador

[video: 300x300]
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THE LIME JOURNEY-Raw and uncut

  Ever wondered what happens on a Challenge where you would have to travel a couple of thousand K´s in a couple of days? L anded in Mendoza, Argentina we had 6 days to get to Peru, Lima – this is the raw uncut MINI series of what happened enjoy - THE LIME JOURNEY     [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   n [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400] [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]   [video: 400x400]  
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Hurricane Agatha that struck the south of Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador has left a wake of destruction, devastation and dead bodies. With countless families loosing lives, homes and possessions we find ourselves in the midst of great need. Having hit on 29 May 2010, shortly after the Northbound team left, the effects are still being felt with problems far from over. With the hurricane comes torrential rain causing mudslides and rockslides leaving everything in near proximity buried. Panajachel, a town in the southwest Guatemalan highlands on the shore of Lake Atitlan, has been rather affected as well as those...
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Lime intro...

Hi everyone, this is a warm welcome from us, the lime team and the best team this year. We are part of Southbound and our members are Daniel (communication), Yolanda (food), Tarina (finances) and Elsabe (teamleader and travel). We are ready to grow this year and ready to be the refreshment to our team and to the people we willl encounter, yes everything that our colour represent. During training in Jeffreys bay one of our members, Daniel, unfortunitely had to go home eralier because of medical reasons. So the lime team will re-unite tomorrow on the airport before flying out...
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