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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Psalm 27 in China...

China was quite a strange country that never failed to surprise me. Initially my perception was that it was rigid and lifeless but the more time we spent there the more I grew to love the culture and people.

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Impacted by India


As I write this, I am sitting on a two day train from the North of India to the South. And I literally do not have the words to fully describe what I have experienced here (And for those of you who know me well, that is a miracle in itself ;-)

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Pioneering Malaysia!


This was our first pioneering country and quite truthfully I was really looking forward to it! I loved the thought of landing in a strange country with no plans, no contacts, no clue about anything really and to be in a position where we had to rely on God and seek His will for our time there. Being somewhere where it wasn’t a simple matter of arriving at a ministry point where GCEX had already set up relationships but forming new ones…and boy did He not disappoint!


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It's all about Jesus!

Hey all:) When I was thinking about what to write with regard to what I have experienced in training so far my initial thinking was to talk about all the amazing things God has done. To go into detailed stories about seeing God genuinely save people, seeing His faithfulness time and time again, stories of the beginnings of an expected, unstoppable revival in JBay. I was even tempted to share some of the funny stories and adventures I have had, the people I have met or even the way my eyes started sweating on the day I left friends and...
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Therapeutic Thailand :)

Thailand was AMAZING! I have named it Therapeutic Thailand because that is exactly how I experienced my time there. India was really blessed but it was honestly tough on many different levels and I left India feeling a bit battered and bruised and during my time in Thailand I just kept getting this picture of God rubbing soothing oil on all the "cuts and bruises" that I received in India.

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The adventures of Ultra Chick :)

Umtata to Jeffries Bay - A chickens tale:)

My inspirational travel companions told me a tale of the beautiful shores of Coffee Bay and the luscious hills of Canzibe. A journey that started two weeks ago has broadened their horizons forever.
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