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OUT-LOVE! OUT-JOY! OUT-LAUGH!* We were welcomed on the 12th of January to Survivor:Kingdom Islands!*The game: training, learning, moulding, experiencing, enjoying! The prize: more of God's word, His joy, His love and fun fun fun!* Our first week has gone by and already i am amazed! Games were played (water balloon war on the beach), our stories were told, the Word was explained, sins were forgiven, captives were set free, praise was sung, prayers were lifted up, tears were shed, smiles were glowing, community centres were painted, clinics windows were washed, love was shared and a family was made!!!! 1 Cor...
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Prayer request!*

Hi everyone!* Please pray for Dunette (Northbound team leader)'s mom who was in a motorbike accident and was in ICU last thing we heard yesterday morning!* p.s. everything is going super here in the himalayas! this morning was spent walking around Shimla town and chatting to locals... about culture and religion! met Hindu school kids  (who thought we were celebrities). an Austrian couple who are into Budism now, and a Christian (who was raised in one of the orphanages here!)! We are so priviledged to know the Lord!* Keep praying :) Blessings 
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Quick update, prayer request and some photos!*

Quick update, prayer request and some photos!*
Hi all* we still busy busy... Veritas Bible course, teachings, community work, challenges, building playgrounds, playing with kids, helping them with homework, dancing, worshiping and embracing God!!!* Wednesday we went to the ARV clinic again in the community to help out, and after i helped at the soup kitchen, we were playing with a beautiful litlle girl, Soso! I asked her mommy about the rope around her waist and she said it was her traditional belt! i asked what it was for and she just said for protection against the tokolosies! i want us to please pray against these beliefs...
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Hitchhike... humility... Honour to God!*

Hitchhike... humility... Honour to God!*
Have you ever experienced a 34 hour day? Imagine that... traveling... different time zones... minimal sleep!!! That was South Bound from New Zealand to Mendoza, Argentina! After we made a semi-successful attempt to sleep on the Mendoza airport, we were given the plans for the next few days! ¨In your small groups, go and explore South America, this is the time, you have 6 days, R100 per day per person... and all you need to do is meet up again in Lima in 6 days! See places, jump of a bridge!!!¨  This was Global Challenge we all thought!!! Time to explore South America! Macchu Pittchu maybe!...
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Nicky (in the) Hilton!*

Nicky (in the) Hilton!*
So once upon a time there were 2 boys and 5 girls, and they took on a journey of faith, known as Global Challenge, knowing that they are giving up certain things back home, such as a comfortable bed, a basin in the bathroom, tomato sauce, a car, TV and a bath, amongst other things…   but it was all ok, because the journey they were taking would be life-changing and God-seeking! After about 7 months of the journey, having become used to ‘bakkie wash’, self-inflatable (and self-deflatable) mattresses, cold showers and so forth… they realized that those are not...
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It is all about LOVE*

It is all about LOVE*
L...O...V...E... Love is something that songs are sang about, movies are made about and books are written about... love is ´everywhere´... but is it really???? In the last week, we as Southbound were so priviledged and blessed with some time to relax, go our own way... a bit of a ´holiday´if i can call it that! The group split up, some went to Columbia, some to Quito and some of us stayed in Mancora, along the Peruvian coast, where we had finished debriefing! Mancora is a beautiful beach town, a lot of tourists and lots of small restaurants and coffeeshops!...
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The drama leading people to Christ*

Hello all* Please go check out the video of the drama the team has been performing at different events! the Lord is really using the drama in mighty ways! this was one of the first performances! and this was at a new year celebration at a buddhist temple, on koh chang island, thailand!!! go watch and enjoy* the dance will be up soon and more videos to follow to keep you all hooked to what God is doing!* AMEN! B4&feature=player_embedded (If the link is not going through, just check under Daniel Prinsloo's blog!!!)
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Building a fence in our love suits in Australia*

Building a fence in our love suits in Australia*
After the heat and humidity of Asia, we were absolutely delighted to walk into an icy Australia where we did not always have the sweat glow on our foreheads and we could finally use our Global Challenge jackets every day! :) Australia was defiintely full of learning experiences... learning how to debark a tree, learning how to cut down a tree, learning how to plant the stumps for the fence, how to ride a scrambler, how to ride a horse and how to actually build a fence!* We as yellow team were not assigned to a specific job together, so...
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yellow´s travel map 2010***

yellow´s travel map 2010***
Check out the map put together by Danie... its our travels thus far! the colours shows if it was by flight or overlanding with bus or hitchhiking! :) Enjoy! Hope it is clear enough! GOD IS GOOD!
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Short & sweet Nicaragua*

Our time in Nicaragua was short and busy! We were only there for a week, but we got a lot done! And God once again led us all the way and took over wherever we went! We served under Hosanna church, which is a huge church in Managua. During our time in Nicaragua, we were joined by the Hidden World team, Liesel, Jakes and Francois! What a blessing that was! Liesel was on South Bound last year, and during their Luke 10 journey, they made the connection and started a relationship between Global Challenge and Hosanna church! Once again we...
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