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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Niger Relief Feedback - Through the eyes of Nicky Ferreira

Niger Relief Feedback - Through the eyes of Nicky Ferreira
  "As Short as I could get it It was a while ago that I was standing in church and we sang the words “no matter what the cost, I’ll go…” and the words struck me. It is sang so easily, but is it easily met? No matter what it will cost us… will we go where He directs us? Words so easily spoken, “Lord, I am willing for anything… use me”, but what we don’t always understand is that God will take you seriously, even if you did not mean it seriously.  '   God took that to the...
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the end to the beginning*

Someone wise (Sam) once explained it to me like this…   “Christianity is a love story . It’s not a 12-step program, it’s not a course that I’m taking. It’s not a puzzle I’m working out. It is a relationship, a love story – a messy, complicated, difficult, beautiful, heart breaking, freeing, healing love story. And I can’t earn it, I can’t control it, I can’t even completely understand it. I can only trust that it is real. And I don’t have to be afraid because He is in control!”   And this was what I discovered to be true through...
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Watch this video and let your heart be moved... WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!*
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Nicky (in the) Hilton!*

Nicky (in the) Hilton!*
So once upon a time there were 2 boys and 5 girls, and they took on a journey of faith, known as Global Challenge, knowing that they are giving up certain things back home, such as a comfortable bed, a basin in the bathroom, tomato sauce, a car, TV and a bath, amongst other things…   but it was all ok, because the journey they were taking would be life-changing and God-seeking! After about 7 months of the journey, having become used to ‘bakkie wash’, self-inflatable (and self-deflatable) mattresses, cold showers and so forth… they realized that those are not...
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It is all about LOVE*

It is all about LOVE*
L...O...V...E... Love is something that songs are sang about, movies are made about and books are written about... love is ´everywhere´... but is it really???? In the last week, we as Southbound were so priviledged and blessed with some time to relax, go our own way... a bit of a ´holiday´if i can call it that! The group split up, some went to Columbia, some to Quito and some of us stayed in Mancora, along the Peruvian coast, where we had finished debriefing! Mancora is a beautiful beach town, a lot of tourists and lots of small restaurants and coffeeshops!...
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Weak vs Strong!*

2 Cor 12:9 & 10 says, ¨My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. I will boast gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ´s power may rest on me. I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong .¨ Something that I have learned in the last 2 weeks of our journey is something that will stick with me throughout my life. In these 2 weeks, I have been challenged beyond what I thought was my limit! I thought I could no more......
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The drama leading people to Christ*

Hello all* Please go check out the video of the drama the team has been performing at different events! the Lord is really using the drama in mighty ways! this was one of the first performances! and this was at a new year celebration at a buddhist temple, on koh chang island, thailand!!! go watch and enjoy* the dance will be up soon and more videos to follow to keep you all hooked to what God is doing!* AMEN! B4&feature=player_embedded (If the link is not going through, just check under Daniel Prinsloo's blog!!!)
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From Cambodia to Thailand!*

We arrived in Thailand yesterday afternoon! we saw the SEA!!!!!!!!! YAY! just the sight of water excites me! it is unbelievably hot here! we were given the day off today to explore a bit and rest... so we experienced the real thai massage! got quite a fright at some points but is was devine! a whole hour for R35!Tom we will be splitting up into our colour groups for a 3 day faith journey, wherever God leads us! what an amazing way to start the time in Thailand! we are still praying and waiting to hear from God where He...
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Hello  all!!!!* Finally i can blog again! most of  the internet cafe's in India just kick you off as soon as you open a Christian website! We are in Cambodia! it is VERY VERY hot! We have been visiting museums, orphanages and will be going to churches tom!* We are waiting on God's plans for us for the second week here... wherever He wants to take us, we go!* If there are any of  you who would like to receive my newsletters, please just send me your email addresses! mine is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (underscore _  between nix and ferreira)! the newsletters have more...
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God's plans for the nations!*

Jeremiah 33:6-9 "Nevertheless, the time will come when i will heal Jeusalem's damage and give her prosperity and peace. i will restore the fortunes of Judah and Israel and rebuild their cities. i will cleanse awae their sins against me, and i will forgive all their sins of rebellion. then this city will bring joy, glory, and honor before all the nations of the earth! the people of the world will see the good i do for my people and wll tremble with awe!" This morning we had an intercession and prayer morning, and Riaan also got this scripture! Habakkuk...
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