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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Meer oor my...

Ek is 'n derdejaar Sielkunde-student van Stellenbosch. Ek is baie lief vir mense, avontuur en stories. Ek lees en fliek graag; gaan stap,draf of klim gereeld berg en kuier baie saam met my vriende en familie. Ek hou van vreemde tale aanleer en vreemde kos eet en nuwe dinge uitprobeer. Verder is ek ook lief vir perdry, kosmaak, skryf en toneel. Ek is in 'n koshuis waar ek betrokke is by 'n hele paar aktiwiteite. Ek is ook betrokke in my kerk en is 'n volunteer by twee gemeenskapsorganisasies. Ek is 'n middelkind, maar glo nie dat ek aan die...
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An expedition on Ancient Paths

December 2009 we will embark on and epic expecition through Egypt, Israel and India... For 30 days we will discover and explore ancient ruins and historic sites. Visit world known wonders and have the opportunity to minister and share the love of Christ to hundreds desperately longing for the love od God to touch them. This is an expedition not to be missed! Check out 3 Nations for more info! Petro
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Die heilige stad

Jerusalem was the highlight of my trip so far. Yes, partially for the clichéd reason that it is awesome to walk in the footstep of Jesus and to experience and see the places where "it all" happened so many years ago. Yet, is was not merely the history that touched me, but also the present of the city. There were too many great moments to be able to single out one, but I had an especially emotional experience on the Mount of Olives (which is actually a hill even my granny can climb) where we stood at the Dominus Flevit (the church built...
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Cambodia, India and Egypt

Already a month and a half is gone, and I can barely believe all the things I have experienced and learned! Cambodia was a blessing - especially the joy of the people in spite of their tragic history. I have no specific highlight, because even the "not so nice" experiences (like visiting the garbage dump community) were very enriching. However, we had many fun moments as a team and also together with the Khamer people. India is a different story...chaotic, smelly, dirty, almost godforsaken. Yet, I have never " seen" God so clearly as in the lives of the dedicated orphans at...
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