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8 days left

Just over a week to go then 80days starts, just want to glorify God for everything and looking forward doing what is needed to make a difference. Shalom
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Expedition Starts!!!!!!! GO -- BLUE TEAM

Expedition Starts!!!!!!!   GO -- BLUE TEAM
We have officialy been in Jeffrey's for 3 Days, met our team and all the awesome people that came back from the one year journeys. Really looking forward to what's coming the next 80 Days and really letting God take our hands and leading us all the way. Received our first challenge today AND WE ARE THE BLUE TEAM( aka Know as the Best) hehe, running around Jeffrey's competing against the other team. We're really getting to know each other and already meeting new people. Glorifying God in all ways is our mission and just letting loose and letting God....
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80days CrAzY start!!!!!!!!

We left Jeffrey’s bay to take our flight to JHB from P.E -- Our flight was delayed an hole hour and we left P.E at 7 pm, that meant we could miss our flight to Egypt because we needed to book in before 9 pm flight leaving at 21:45 we landed just minutes before 21:00 and the race was on to ''book in'', God stop time for us and all was booked in at 20:59. Take off. Clearly something did not want us to go --- But GOD had other plans -- praise the Lord When we got to Egypt our enemy...
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80 days update!

Well I can tell you when we arrived in Egypt 2 of our team mate's bags got lost somewhere between S.A and Egypt -- Good news we got them back yesterday morning before we left for Israel -- we took a leap of fait and went early to the airport not knowing if we would find the bags. Safely in Israel and the journey continues. Shalom
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Luke 10

A bit about my Luke 10 journey. So we started at about 6:00 am on the 21st with the Luke 10 journey.  All together 9 people. We started out in Guatemala and went through El Salvador.  When we went through the El Salvador border into Honduras, we split into 3 smaller teams of 3 people each.  By this time it was dark, we had no money, no food and only the clothes that we had on. The challenge was taking nothing and just trusting on the Lord for provision in everything. So the challenge started.   We hitched a ride all the way through to the...
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