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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Faith and Finance

Faith like a mustard seed
Arriving on this adventure already 2 weeks late and a heavy backpack, my heart was downcast and apprehensive BUT within one second of hugs, and warm greetings, I felt right at home, fears gone and prayers answered. Throughout training so far the Lord as been teaching me what it is to listen and also to trust Him, even if I do seem to take the wheel from Him more then I’d like to admit. During quiet time early one morning after a restless nights sleep over what team role The Lord wanted me in for this year, I was struggling...
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Who would have know that a small dusty town in the Free State would become such a big part of my walk with Jesus. I found Jesus in the routine and day to day working life. From building a stone floor with the girls to planting over 10000 spinach and onion seedlings in 2 days AND setting up TWO microgreen tunnels from scratch...all in the Freestate heat. Jesus really challenged me with endurance and working with excellence in all I do unto His name and for His glory. Endurance and finishing with excellence has always been a struggle for me....
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