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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Its early hours in the day, sitting on a hill, on a flat rock bed, I can see the sun slowly rising on the horizon and my whole being is filled with a peace and an excitement for the day. What a blessing it was to have stayed on the beautiful farm! I exchanged my shoes and the paved paths for dirty feet and a dusty brown dirt road. And during that simple but joyful time I realized just how deeply the love of Abba Father runs, whether it was in the gentle breeze on a hot day, the breathtaking...
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Who would have know that a small dusty town in the Free State would become such a big part of my walk with Jesus. I found Jesus in the routine and day to day working life. From building a stone floor with the girls to planting over 10000 spinach and onion seedlings in 2 days AND setting up TWO microgreen tunnels from scratch...all in the Freestate heat. Jesus really challenged me with endurance and working with excellence in all I do unto His name and for His glory. Endurance and finishing with excellence has always been a struggle for me....
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Hogsback to basics

Hogsback to basics
On our way to Hogsback, our hearts and spirits were excitedly imagining what adventure lay ahead and what our new ministry point would entail. After driving through the beautiful mountains, we parked next to a cozy cottage surrounded by natural forestry and a view looking out at the hogsback mountains. We were welcomed by our host and shown to our camp site. Welcome to the Bush, and back to basics. We settled into our tents and snuggled in our warm sleeping bags, the sound of the tent zips hinting to outdoor adventure. We are bonding as a newly grouped team,...
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Everyday heroes

My team and I served at aftercare for kids. There I met the lady, Aunty Waai, who runs the aftercare and who is also a proud grandmother.   Her passion and eagerness to pray for physical healing caught my attention. One of the very first conversations I had with her she testified about how her one of her prayers was to be healed from cancer and how God has answered her. She prayed with such persistence and perseverance which stirred a desire in my own heart for having faith as strong as she has. the time she spent in the...
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Surrender the "I" and I'll give you the vision.

Surrender the
Wow, it is finally here, Global 2020! How did I get here? In retrospect, it's a humbling feeling looking back at your life, marveling at the Lords work!  Realising how loving and supportive the people around me have been on my journey but moreso how gracious and loving the Lord has been when I deserved His presence, blessing and love the least. I am amazed by the beauty and privilege of being part of the Lords plans! Making heaven busy, and bringing heaven to earth. I am left in wonder going into Global 2020, wondering where the Lord is taking...
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continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.

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I am the clay

I am the clay
Does the potter not have the right over the clay, to make from the same lump [of clay] one object for honorable use [something beautiful or distinctive] and another for common use [something ordinary or menial]? Romans 9:21 This verse never really sunk in before I started my journey. I came in here thinking that I am a polished diamond, but I walked into a world full of rough diamonds. It's been a life-changing process of becoming the original rough diamond that God wants me to be so that He can start shaping me into His caracter. Six days of...
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Dancing with Jesus

2 Samuel 6:14 David danced before the Lord with all of his might. I have always wanted to dance freely before the Lord, to praise Him at any time and in any place, but my fear of judgement always stopped me. I worried about what people would think about me and what they would say. I am so grateful that Jesus didn’t leave me where I was, instead He set me free from my fears and redirected my heart towards Him. He broke down all the walls that I had built, walls that hindered my relationship with Him! I am...
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Road to leadership

When I was accepted to join the Global Challenge team I remember reading all the different team roles in the manual, when I got to the 'Team Leader' role, I skipped right over it thinking "I'm definitely not going to be chosen to do that." Skip ahead a few months to me sitting opposite the Global team leaders with them asking me if I'd be willing to lead a team this year. I'm going to be honest, my first response was panic! I felt totally inadequate for the job. All I was thinking was "Lord, I want to be obedient...
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Matthew Fedorenko, training so far

Training has been as spiritual as it is been practical. Whether it is cutting trees for firewood, watching a video on pride, helping with the kids, or having a big prayer session; I have always been learning something.  The community is just as engaging. The leaders down to the student missionaries are very passionate about this process. The leaders interact with us as if they are learning this with us, and the student missionaries have this fire that is very contagious. I am very excited and inspired of the people here in the training program. This is a great start...
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