Arriving on this adventure already 2 weeks late and a heavy backpack, my heart was downcast and apprehensive BUT within one second of hugs, and warm greetings, I felt right at home, fears gone and prayers answered. Throughout training so far the Lord as been teaching me what it is to listen and also to trust Him, even if I do seem to take the wheel from Him more then I’d like to admit. During quiet time early one morning after a restless nights sleep over what team role The Lord wanted me in for this year, I was struggling to spend time in prayer.
Through the noise of my own thoughts, softly nestled the word FAITH, INCREASING FAITH. Which was very confusing because I felt very little of that that morning, so I just put that little nugget away for another day. That night, we went through the different roles for this year and FINANCE popped up on the screen. This was one I knew I wasn’t going to do, Food co-ordinator was on my agenda. Or at least that’s what I thought, until the presenter uttered the words that sunk deep into my heart: “This is one of the roles that will grow and increase your faith and dependence on the Lord the most!”. That’s what the Lord had uttered to me in my quiet time! I initially panicked and had thoughts of self doubt and didn’t want the HUGE responsibility! But there was a peace in my heart that I couldn’t ignore. So when we had to tell the group what role we felt the Lord was leading us into, I was surprised when the words came out as: “definitely finance”. I can’t wait to see how the Lords strength and love will shine through in my weakness this year as He is with me and through Him, all things are possible, for His glory.
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