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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Transformation in progress.

In 8 weeks of training, Global Challenge has transformed my whole way of thinking. Not only in my spiritual life, but in everyday living as well. I realised that my way of living is not in any way the standard of the rest of the world's. I was so consumed with the everyday routine, that was passed on from one generation to the next and finally to me, that I never even imagined that things could be done differently in other parts of the COUNTRY (nevermind the world). Spiritually these 8 weeks has enriched how I read my Bible, how...
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India - Closer to home

India - Closer to home

So I'll call this one... MY story.

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Amazing Provision - can you expect anything less from our God?

Amazing Provision - can you expect anything less from our God?
3 Weeks?! THREE weeks! Is it possible to experience so much of God’s provision in THREE weeks? Well, apparently it is. These past few weeks God has revealed Himself so greatly to us – in so many ways. His amazing provision has been made very real and tangible to us. So amazing, that we were able to rely primarily on our testimonies of the past 3 weeks, for the opportunities we had to preach in Santiago, Chile. To read more about His provision for our team, please go read our Hidden World blog. We are also posting updates on facebook...
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So the first few days in Belize was spent, working with the youth and kids of the small church we were involved with, in Bullet Tree. We taught them a dance, a song and a memory verse, which they got the chance to perform in the weekend's Harvest Festival's services. But working with those kids meant more to me than just getting them to remember words of a song or moves to a dance. I know i have blogged about this, but the innocence and the unconditional nature of their love and joy, just overwhelmed me.


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God Knows Better

Stepping into Panama, I became accutely aware of what it takes for my lungs to inhale for long enough that sufficiant amounts of air may enter my body. And now, after my visit in Panama, I realize, this is how dependant we must be on God's Love. Not only God's Love for ourselves, but more importantly, God's Love IN us, to freely give to others.

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The Pink Team !

The first challenge in Panajachel!

It started off as a typical morning, having oats and getting ready for another day of work. PJ appeared with a challenge for each team, with the Survivor theme song in the background.

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