3 Weeks?! THREE weeks! Is it possible to experience so much of God’s provision in THREE weeks?
Well, apparently it is.
These past few weeks God has revealed Himself so greatly to us – in so many ways. His amazing provision has been made very real and tangible to us. So amazing, that we were able to rely primarily on our testimonies of the past 3 weeks, for the opportunities we had to preach in Santiago, Chile.
To read more about His provision for our team, please go read our Hidden World blog. We are also posting updates on facebook and twitter more regularly.
The people we’ve met in Chile are living examples of what it means to Love your neighbour as you Love yourself. We’ve learnt so much of what real friendship, family and fellowship is. What a humbling experience to see how the pastor, his wife and two daughters, move out of their apartment, so 9 missionaries, whom they don’t know at all, can stay there. “Mi casa, su casa” has never taken on this level of realness to me.
Almost every church member insisted that we come “comher” (eat), at their “casa” (home), preparing some or other feast for us. This reminded me of the scripture in Luke 10, where Jesus sends out the disciples 2 by 2, to spread the Gospel.
“Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’ If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand;” – Luke 10:5,6a
And indeed they were filled with peace and many other characteristics of God.
“Giving”, “sharing”, “Loving”, ”caring” (REALLY
caring when asking: How are you?), “putting others before myself”. When I think back to my old picture of these characteristics, I realize what little part of the picture I’ve actually been seeing. Because all the while the picture was zoomed-in on ME, MY needs and how much I am willing to give and not necessarily what the Lord is asking of me.
So standing on the roof of a 16 floor building, looking over the city of Santiago, Chile, I do feel very small and actually embarrassed for thinking that I could almost tick them off the list of good characteristics.
So I realize once again, God’s plough work in my life is far from finished. Very humbling, but also exciting – He has a whole year to solely prepare the fields.
Looking forward to what Peru holds for my journey with Him.
Wonderful BLOG Suane; thank you. For sure God's plough work is not finished! Lots of Blessings
Wow! Baie dankie vir die blog Sua!! God het nou deur jou gepraat! Mag God se seen op jou en die res van die span wees!! Julle bly in my gebede!!!