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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Laos - God is soft and Gentle!

I don't have any words to describe my feelings. I'm so overwhelmed. First I was afraid and didn't know what to expect in Laos, but it turned out pretty good. This two weeks was a journey of patience for me. I spend some time with God to find out what His heart is for me. Then He came and show me that He is going to give me more and more challenges in life and on my journey and that will be the challenges that's going to make me grow closer to Him ! I had some challenges and with...
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Amasing global training.

My Global Challenge Expedition! It started off much differently than I could ever thought of.  I always thought I was this strong, flexible woman that can do all things and love every single person! Then I enter the world of Global. I surprised myself and actually, God come to show me the real me! I've cried the first few weeks and wondered why I'm here. I thought I was weird because I did not know myself! But through all the sadness I still had a lot of happiness inside of me! Fortunately I knew some people from klersdorp that was...
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