Inhale Abba. Exhale I belong to You. Such a powerful song. Abba I belong to You! You're more real than the ground I'm standing on, more real than the air in my lungs. My Abba. Father. Wow. John 1: 12-13 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. It was a shock to me when I first heard that the holy Koran has 99 names for...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
So, I woke up in my own bed this morning after 7 weeks of sleeping in unfamiliar places with people I hardly know. Now I can say that I have 35 new homes built in my heart. On Thursday night we were commisioned, and man, what a long journey to FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!! Talking about homes. Time to be honest about the one I'm living in. The one you can't see with your eyes. The one you feel with your heart. For quite a long time, I was disobedient and didn't want to leave behind the familiar, to experience...
I love Ephesians 3:17-18: "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." Being ROOTED and ESTABLISHED in love. That is so cool to think about. I spent most of my life believing I was not worth being alive. Having felt so much rejection from a mother who chose addiction over her children, a lie was planted in my core. Even after I had been placed in a loving foster family, the devil...
If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for. Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
I have learnt a lt this year. I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think it should. And I've learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I've learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones. This year wasn't always pretty. It wasn't always comfortable. Some things and situations even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you - it should change you. It leaves marks on your...
"Be Still." Two words. Constant and always present. Having morning coffee, I hear it: "Be Still." Swimming in the clear blue ocean. Walking on snow white sand. Watching a Fiery red sunset. "Be Still." Fellowshipping with people who have become family. Listening to music, old and new. Feeling the presence of God. Be Still. Two very simple words, put together to speak chapters. Our time in Tanzania and especially Zanzibar has taught me a very important thing. And that is to practice the pause. When in doubt pause. When angry or irritated, pause. When tired or stressed, Pause. And when...
ÂÂ ÂÂ We started Peru off in Iquitos. This is a town in the middle of the Amazon! How did we get there? Well there are no roads to Iquitos only rivers to Iquitos. So your options are boat or plane. We opted to go for a 3 day upriver boat trip from Leticia Colombia.ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â This boat trip was so special! We slept in hammocks had no team activities, the boat cooked for us and sailed us up stream for 3 glorious days. We had our meals served to...
When I first laid my eyes on you and the rolling hills you sat upon. I thought what amazing luck I have that God had created such beautiful things and gave me the eyes to see them. I am forever changed by your existence. You are a place filled with so many stories and I feel so privileged to share some of these stories with you. I can't think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again....
Why do we make life so complicated? Why do we so easily make mountains out of mere ant hills? It is not supposed to be this difficult and I dare say it is rather tiring to worry about everything all the time. My stay in Egypt these past two weeks has been a time of growth and transformation. Firstly I would like to mention that all the pictures I have seen, all the history that I have read and heard throughout my years of study about this wonderful place, I could have never imagined it to be so...
We have joy and peace because we know there is a reason and a good ending. The ending is already written down.. That there is no ending. Of this small life, yes, but of my soul no. So the reason people are unhappy is because they feel their stories are boring, they make no difference in the world, their future is unsure, fear of death. All of these things are fears. Perfect love casts out these fears, because perfect love had the grace upon us to open our eyes to see the big picture. It casts out fear because it...
Hello everyone!! So this is officially the first blog post of the year- hopefully the first of many!! So I will be writing a little unconventionally- I feel like there is a lot of explaining going on about what we have been doing for the last 3 weeks. I don't really feel like explaining today, so instead I will give a few word description of what we did and and how I felt about it or what I learned. I hope you enjoy! Training started January 9th: After 2 days of traveling, I am...
Names are not always what they seem. For most of us it means identity and belonging. The identity that names give speak of description, which in most cases leave the negativity of prejudice and pride behind and also often leads us to form a stereotype. During my stay in Macedonia I was introduced with the thought that people and places are more than just a name. Macedonia for instance, may be known for it's rich history and important people, but for me Macedonia is like a good find in an antique store...timeless and...
This whole Global Challenge has been tough. I've really been struggling to fit into my team and to find my purpose. I spoke to my leader and she said a few things that was needed, but I want to tell you about two things. Fitst she said that you're value is not in your purpose, it is in who you are. Second thing is that we are not human doings, we are human beings. I am not going to elaborate on that, but think about it. Anyway, continuing. It went really bad with my emotional and spiritual state. I started...
I do not think there are many words to express the beauty and magnificence of Morocco, nor can it be fully explained to someone who has not seen or experienced it for themselves. I do however believe words have a lot of power when it is used in the right way. Words can change even the smallest perspective and I believe we are the ones who can say them. I will attempt to give you but a glimpse of what I experienced here, not only of God's love for us but His adoration for the people who have not...
Wait! What? This is not about me? So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part. Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
New beginnings Second last week of training and with it one week left I can honestly say that I am not ready yet. Rewind on all the weeks of training and learn everything again. That said I don't think I will ever be ready for a privilege like this. Going out into the nations and speaking His love over them...I'm wonderstruck. These past weeks I have learned to know and feel God in the stillness but also in the storm. I have learned that He calls me beautiful (Song of Solomon 2:10) and that He loves me with...
So this is the account of our Luke10 faith journey. This story starts with two guys setting out on an adventure. Jesus sent out his disciples two by two into towns to prepare the way for the kingdom. We prayed and felt God said we should travel through Argentina to the city of Asuncion in Paraguay. I asked God to show me His love on this Luke 10...He did. Day 1 - Wednesday 14 Oct On a bus from Chile to Argentina at 05:00 We traveled over the Andes mountains at 4200m above sea level Andes mountains are amazing...snow capped...
Kosovo has been good! My mother said she was going to step into interceding for me and it is amazing how powerful prayer is! I feel like this is the most God has ever revealed of Himself to me. It started with being met by love when I was vulnerable ( dancing and singing like a mad person). A lot of healing happens when you show yourself and in return get a standing ovation from a Star Breather. So imagine this scene. There are three judges and the contestant reluctantly steps out on the stage. Music starts and this poor...
You never know what you can live without until you have to carry everything in one bag on your back -JS This week has been the craziest and probably most frustrating time of my entire life, we didn't get our Macedonia visas and had to come to Israel earlier. I have never felt the need to make notes of what happens to me until I experienced this week and knew I had to tell you guys all about it. I am currently sitting in my tent and decided I HAVE to write. Everything I am using now fits into my...
To get from Marrakech to Fes we had to take a long bus ride. The plan was to take the bus, arrive at the bus station in Fes, get connected to the Internet and let Mustafa from the hostel know we've arrived as arranged. Upon arriving at the bus station there he was - Mustafa was waiting for us, welcoming us with such overeagerness it was convincing. Being confident this was it we followed Mustafa, got in a cab and next thing we found ourselves in very fancy hostel. Beautiful patterns lined the walls of the Riad and comfortable couches...
A few days to leave the beautiful South Africa I can summarize my experience in a single word: "Amazing!!!" I carry in my heart a vision, a model and many teachings to apply in Peru and in South America. The vision applies to form leaders who serve and influence all areas of society (political, economic, social and spiritual). These leaders are formed at a young age from the school (preschool) seeking to enhance the capacities that are being developed at home with the help of their parents. They will continue to be trained through missionary training. They will make a...
One month ago, we sat/lay on the floor of Ben Gurion Int. Airport not knowing what to expect from Israel and having no idea what lay ahead. Today we sit in the same airport, wearing the same clothes as when we arrived (washed, of course) but our hearts are completely changed. To put our Israel experience into words would be a great injustice as there are not nearly enough words in the English vocabulary to explain each one in detail. Israel in a nutshell from each one of our teammates looks a little something like this: David...
I don't have any words to describe my feelings. I'm so overwhelmed. First I was afraid and didn't know what to expect in Laos, but it turned out pretty good. This two weeks was a journey of patience for me. I spend some time with God to find out what His heart is for me. Then He came and show me that He is going to give me more and more challenges in life and on my journey and that will be the challenges that's going to make me grow closer to Him ! I had some challenges and with...
Going to Turkey was different for many of us. Some enjoyed not knowing where to go, what to do or what God has planned for us there. We only knew that He wants us to serve but the question was who first. The first guess was the refugees. Makes sense…they need help… we are here to serve… so we aimed for them, but it was like shooting a moving target in the dark. We heard so many rumours about where they are or should be but arriving only to see a lack of people to serve… Praying to God for...
6 weeks ago, if people asked me, why are you doing Global Challenge. My answer would have typically been something in the line of: "I am determined to find God and revelation" or "I want to take my relationship with God deeper and gain wisdom and favor" or even "I want to change the world". Those are typically seen as a pretty honorable answers to the question. Well at least that is what I thought, but never have I been so wrong... After hearing stories, surviving a couple of days in the bush, building a road, trekking the Transkei, Luke...
Kenia fue el primer país al que arribamos durante nuestro East Africa Tour - LiveYourWay. En este país , las primeras personas que nos recibieron con los brazos abiertos fueron los integrantes de la comunidad Masai . Esta es una comunidad afincada desde hace mucho tiempo en las altas montañas de Narok. Conocer su cultura y costumbres marcó mi corazón y me dió una nueva perspectiva acerca de las misiones interculturales. Es reconfortante saber que existen personas con un llamado misionero especial trabajando en la evangelización de esta comunidad además de buscar su integración a la sociedad actual. Kenya was...
Our arrival into India was ubrupt and crazy, chaos was an understatement. Animals, tuk-tuks, trucks, cars and crowds scattered everywhere. New Delhi is a bee hive of hasslers, vehicles and markets - all trying to promote the best price. Just as ubrupt was the 'Dehli belly' many of the guys suffered from during this time. We arrived in New Delhi on a Monday, from Bangkok, after a lay over in Sri Lanka. As expectations go, Slumdog Millionaire was on my mind, there is a reality of slums yes but there is such a diversity in India itself. Every state has...
As it has been shown, I am clearly not one for rating my experience of each country along the way. Being part of the communication team for hidden world, I have found that my own feelings are already reflected in the team blogs and newsletters, that when it comes to writing my own, I have nothing left to say. But I have finally figured out what to write on my own blog- only took 5 months. Reflecting back on the last 6 months of my life, I can't believe how much has changed- besides moving to a different country...
Imagine a hiking trip that follows the trail of all the places where Jesus performed his miracles and doing it with 10 other spirit filled people, well this is how the 4 day trip started... We received 25 fish right out of the Sea of Galilee from a local and while we waited for our self-proclaimed fishermen to clean and gut them, we tried to cook beans which ended up taking TWO days to soften. So with fish flopping in packets, beans soaking in a ziplock packet and a rubbish bag over my backbag because of the rain, we began...